"For some odd reason I do."

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Authors POV

"What are you ordering?" Cyrus asked TJ, reaching across the table so that he could hold his hand.

It was a Saturday. They were currently sat in a booth at The Spoon about to order their meal.

"I'm not really that hungry." TJ said, his low mood clear in his voice.

"Baby, what's wrong? You've been like this all day." Cyrus sighed sympathetically.

"Just tired." TJ shrugged. The truth was, TJ didn't know what was wrong with him. He just felt down, almost empty. TJ felt his eyes starting to water for no reason at all.

"C'mon, let's go home. We can eat there." Cyrus smiled before standing up and walking over to TJ. He held his hand out like a gentleman causing TJ to smile a tiny bit as his tears started to fall. The blonde boy took Cyrus' hand into his own and they left the restaurant.

The door shut behind them and Cyrus stopped walking so that he could look at TJ.

"Come 'ere." Cyrus instructed softly, opening his arms. TJ gladly accepted the hug and buried his head into Cyrus' neck as his boyfriend held him tightly.

"Just one of those days, huh?" Cyrus guessed and TJ nodded as he let more tears flow out of his emerald green eyes.

"I've got you." Cyrus whispered.

"Why am I crying?" TJ stressed.

"I'm not sure but it's okay, It's good to cry." Cyrus assured him, rubbing his back.

"We should go back to my house. No one is home and it's only a 2 minute walk." Cyrus suggested.

"Okay." TJ lifted his head up and leant his forehead against Cyrus'.

"I was fine this morning, I don't know what happened." TJ sighed. Cyrus wiped his boyfriends tears away with his thumb before pressing a kiss to his lips.

"It's normal, I have those days sometimes. It's understandable after everything you've been through these past couple of months." Cyrus told him.

"I guess." TJ sighed, no emotion shown in his voice. He sounded exactly how he felt. Numb.

"C'mon, lets go." Cyrus smiled. He laced their fingers together and they began walking to the Goodman house .

The walk consisted of a comfortable silence with TJ not really knowing what to say or think about and Cyrus just trying to figure out what he could do to help TJ.

Cyrus unlocked his front door and let TJ go in first before he shut the door and followed after him.

"Wanna go up to my room?" Cyrus asked and TJ nodded, sighing again.

TJ walked up the stairs quietly and went into Cyrus' room before laying on the bed, completely still.

"Teej, do you want a drink?" Cyrus shouted up the stairs.

"Yes please." TJ responded faintly.

Cyrus went into the kitchen to get them both a drink each.

"Bubs?" Cyrus frowned, not expecting his father to be home.

"Hey, son." Isak greeted.

"I thought you were working." Cyrus replied.

"I'm on my break. I came home to get my lunch, I'm leaving now." Isak stood up and grabbed his bag before walking over to his son and pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"There's cookie dough ice cream in the fridge. I noticed TJ didn't look the happiest when he walked in, that should help. If he's staying over then there is 20 dollars in the usual place for you to order. Both me and your Dad are working late so I'll probably see you in the morning." Isak explained as he walked out.

"Bye, son. Bye TJ!" He called up the stairs as he walked past them on his way to the door.

"Bye Isak!" TJ called back.

"If you want anything, help yourself!" Isak told his potential future son-in-law.

"Thank you!" TJ replied as Isak walked out of the door.

Cyrus smiled to himself, he was happy that his parents and TJ got on so well. It made his life a lot easier.

He finished making the drinks and got the ice cream out of the freezer along with a spoon before taking it all upstairs to TJ.

He walked into his room to find TJ just laying on his bed, playing with the strings on his hoodie.

"I got you something." Cyrus smiled brightly, holding up the ice cream. 

"Thanks, babe." TJ smiled softly and took the pot of ice cream from him. 

Cyrus set their drinks down before laying next to TJ.

"It's been a while since you've been here." Cyrus stated.

"Yup. Last time I was here we-" TJ cut himself off and they both blushed awkwardly.

"I love you." Cyrus randomly said.

"I love you too." TJ replied as he opened the Ice cream tub.

"You wanna stay over tonight?" Cyrus offered.

"Is Isak okay with that?" TJ raised his eyebrows as he remembered how protective Isak is over Cyrus, especially when it comes to his innocence. 

"Yeah, he said if you were staying there is 20 dollars for us to order in. My Dad is working late and so is he." Cyrus said truthfully.

"Who said that and what did they do to Isak?" TJ joked.

"My thoughts exactly but even if he's not Isak, I like him better than the old one." Cyrus replied as he checked his phone.

"Open up." TJ instructed, holding a spoon full of Ice cream up to Cyrus' mouth. 

Cyrus opened his mouth and TJ fed him the ice cream, grinning widely.

"I haven't had ice cream in ages." Cyrus said.

"Me neither." TJ replied as he fed himself some ice cream. 

"Babe..." Cyrus giggled fondly at him.

"What?" TJ frowned.

"You've got a little- I'll get it." He wiped the some ice cream from TJ's chin and ate it.

"All gone." He shrugged.

"You did not just do that." TJ grimaced at what Cyrus had just done.

"I did. I'm not letting a drop of that ice cream go to waist." He responded.

"Oh my god." TJ cringed. 

"You still love me." Cyrus said, unbothered.

"For some odd reason I do." TJ replied before connecting their lips.

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu