Everything Changes

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This was written half on my phone and half on my laptop so there may be some spelling errors. Get your tissues ready :)

Author's POV

"My son has an appointment with Doctor Goodman." Louise said to the lady at the front desk and Cyrus frowned at the familiar name.

"What's his name?" The lady questioned, typing something on the computer in front of her.

"Tyrone Jackson Kippen." TJ's Mother answered.

"Okay, take a seat the doctor will be with you shortly." The lady replied.

TJ pulled Cyrus to the back of the room and took a seat in the corner away from everyone else. Cyrus sat next to him and still gripped his hand firmly as he snuggled up to him.

"Why are we here?" TJ said, still confused.

"You have an appointment." Harry told him.

"Why? I'm absolutely fine." TJ protested.

"Trust me, you're not." Louise replied.

"I would be if we were at home and not here!" TJ snapped.

"Baby, calm down. It's okay." Cyrus reassured him as he caressed his boyfriends hand with the pad of his thumb, TJ relaxed a little.

"I need air." TJ said as he stood up. Cyrus stood up with him and followed him to the exit, leaving Harry and Louise behind.

As soon as they stepped out if the doors TJ pulled Cyrus into bone crushing hug.

"I know what's going on." TJ said, nervously.

"What?" Cyrus questioned, not letting go of the boy.

"As soon as I walk in there I'm not gonna come out for at least a week, am I?" TJ pulled away from the hug and let tears fill his eyes.

"I don't need all of this professional help. The only thing I need to keep me completely sane is you, not some doctor who treats me like a fragile child." TJ cried and Cyrus grabbed TJ's hand.

"We don't even know if that will happen yet, maybe it is just an appointment to see how you are." Cyrus told him.

"But what if it isn't just an appointment? How long until you can hold me again and tell me that everything will be okay? How long until I can fall asleep on your chest? How long until we can make out in the shower again? I really don't want to stay here, I can't do it without you by my side." TJ replied, tears streaming down his face. Cyrus didn't know what to say so he just wrapped his arms around TJ and pulled him close.

"It will be okay, I promise." Cyrus reassured him, holding him tighter.

"I-I'm scared." TJ admitted to Cyrus as he sobbed.

"I know baby and that's perfectly okay. I've got you, you're safe." He replied.

"But for how much longer am I going to be able to be safe in your arms? You're the only person I fully trust, how do they expect me to open up to some stranger? It's not gonna happen." TJ said against Cyrus' shoulder.

"Well then you just tell them that. Don't say 'I'm not speaking to you' because then they'd force it out of you. Say it like 'I'm not going to talk to someone who I don't trust'. At least then you won't come off as rude and they'll stop asking about your life story." Cyrus told him.

"And by the way, the doctor you are seeing is my Dad so you'll be fine. He knows when to stop especially if it's someone who's as close as family." He added.

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Where stories live. Discover now