"Flamingo's don't fly."

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Cyrus' POV

"I found 'basket'!" TJ exclaimed happily as he highlighted the word 'basket' in the word search.

"How in the pond of flying flamingo's did you find that?" I said, impressed.

"Babe?" He said seriously.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"I should tell you... flamingo's don't fly." He laughed.
"They don't?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.
"Nope." He shook his head in amusement.
"So this whole time I've been scared of them flying towards me when it actually wasn't possible?" I questioned in disbelief.
"You're adorable." TJ chuckled fondly.

"Hey, honey." His Mom said as she walked into the hospital room.
"Hey, Mom." He greeted.
"Hi, Louise." I said with a smile.
"What are you guys doing?" She asked with a bright smile.
"A word search." I answered.
"Well we were doing a word search until I had to explain to Cyrus that-" I cut TJ off.
"Shut up shut up shut up!" I placed a hand over his mouth so that he couldn't finish his sentence. His Mom just laughed at us.

"Anyway, how are you feeling today, Teej?" Louise asked.
"Better I guess." TJ answered when I finally uncovered his mouth.
"That's good. I got you guys some food from the vending machine." Louise said before handing us a sandwich, a packet of chips, a smoothie and a bar of chocolate.
"I'm just going to the bathroom I'll be back in a few minutes." She went out of the room and TJ just stared at the food in front of us.

"Are you okay, babe?" I asked him, concerned.
"I-I'm not hungry." TJ said stubbornly and I sighed.
"Baby, we can share it. You don't even have to eat half just as long as you eat something." I encouraged.
"I-I-I can't." TJ's eyes filled with tears that threatened to fall.
"Yes you can." I replied and TJ shook his head as the tears fell.
"C'mere." I said before pulling him into my arms and he sobbed into my chest.
"I know it's hard but you can do it. Just half a sandwich." I told him but he shook his head.
"Forget the sandwich then, drink the smoothie." I compromised but again he shook his head.
"What if we share the smoothie, you only have to drink half of it. It's not food baby, you can do it." I ran a hand through his hair and he slowly sat up. I wiped away his tears and he gulped nervously.
"A kiss per sip?" I offered and he took a deep breath before nodding.
I poked the straw through the smoothie and handed it to him only for him to shake his head yet again.
"Y-you first." He stuttered.
"Okay, I'll drink over half and you drink the rest. Deal?" I said.
"Okay, deal." He nodded.
I drank half of the smoothie in one go before handing it to him.

"You can do it." I smiled.
He put the straw to his lips before sucking on it however he was hesitant to swallow it.
"My lips are waiting." I smiled and he gulped the first sip down.
I pressed my lips to his for a couple of seconds before pulling away.
"Can i have another one?" He asked.
"If you take another sip you can have two." I replied.
"And then on the third sip I can have three? And the fourth sip I get four and on the fith sip I get five and on the sixth-" I cut him off.
"I get the gist and yes, if that's what it takes." I smiled softly at him.
"And when I've drank it all we can make out for half an hour?" He smiled.
"I would never say no to that." I chuckled.
He took another sip of the smoothie, this one was a little bigger than the last sip and I smiled proudly at him when he swallowed it. He puckered his lips and I giggled before pecking them twice.
"What are you two doing?" His Mom asked with an amused frown when she entered the room.
"It's a game we like to play, it's called a kiss per sip." I told her.
"And if I finish all of it we get to make out for half an hour." TJ added with a cheeky smile causing me to blush.
"O-kay..." His Mom replied, raising her eyebrows.
"As long as you save the making out for when I'm gone and don't let the nurses catch you." She added.
"Okay." TJ agreed before sipping the smoothie again.
"Three this time." TJ told me and I rolled my eyes fondly before kissing him again, this time three times.

"How are you feeling, son?" Harry asked when he walked in, wearing his work uniform.
"Better than yesterday." TJ answered.
"That's good, how are you, Cyrus?" He said to me.
"I'm good thanks." I smiled.
"Babe, number four!" TJ said, drawing my attention to him.
"Did you take a sip?" I questioned raising my eyebrows.
"Yes, he did. I watched him." Louise told me and I nodded before giving TJ four kisses.

"What's that all about?" I heard Harry ask.
"They're playing a kiss per sip." Louise told him, shaking her head fondly.
"Isn't that a bit sexual?" Harry frowned.
"Say's the one who gave them a box of condoms." Louise replied.
"Valid point." He said.

"I drank it all, we can make out now!" TJ cheered.
"Later, baby." I told him with a smile.
"Whyyy?" TJ whined.
"Because your parents are here and they didn't ask for a live half porno of their son." I told him and he pouted like a two year old.
"Fine, but you better make out with me later. I'm a horny teenage boy who needs rewarding." TJ said so loud that his Mom and Dad heard.
I pressed my lips together trying not to laugh at their reactions and TJ just buried his head into the crook of my neck to hide his embarrassment.
"That was not about what it sounded like." I told them and they exchanged weird looks.

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Where stories live. Discover now