Suffering in secret

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Trigger warning: Self harm, eating disorder and schizophrenia.


I slammed my door weakly before tossing my bag carelessly to the ground before I let out a loud groan. That loud groan didn't come from my mouth, it had come from my stomach. I hadn't eaten a thing all day, or yesterday, or the day before, or the day before than one. I made sure no one noticed though. I kept 'going out for dinner' according to my Mom which of course was completely false. You are probably wondering where I actually go. Well I went to Cyrus' the one time but usually I just walk to my favourite secret spot in the woods and clear my head for an hour. Cyrus thought I was completely fine because I told him that I was. I felt really bad for lying to him but I just can't let him find out, he'd probably decide that he has had enough of me and leave me for someone hotter and less problematic than I am.

"TJ, Is that you?" I heard a familiar masculine voice call out to me from a different room.

"Yeah." I answered trying to sound happy.

"How was school?" He asked enthusiastically.

"Could have been better, could have been worse. I've got a lot of homework to do anyway so I'm gonna go upstairs and do that." I lied.

"Okay. Is Cyrus coming over?" He said.

"I don't know. If he does just send him up to me." I told him.

"Okay." My Dad replied as I struggled up the stairs.

I shut my door and threw myself onto my bed. I had the worst headache and I was so hungry but I needed to loose weight. Working out and eating healthily didn't make me loose any it just made me bigger than I already was to start with. 

I grabbed my phone and saw that I had missed a call from Marty so I hesitantly decided to call him back.

"Hey, Bro!" Marty exclaimed through the phone.

"What's up!" I said attempting to actually smile but failing miserably.

"Why did you call me?" Marty questioned.

"To ask you that exact same question." I replied.

"Oh, I called to see if you were okay. Buffy and I noticed you seemed pretty down today." H told me. Shit I really needed to up my game.

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired. Speaking of tired I'm going to take a nap bye." I hung up on him quickly.

You're a coward TJ

"How the fuck am I a coward?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at the voice in my head.

You can't face the world like a real man 

"How the-"


"No, not again."


"I said no!" I groaned.

And I said Cut.

My wrists began to burn and itch and I scratched them with my finger nails.

Do it.

"No." I gritted my teeth stubbornly.






You deserve the pain

A tear fell from my eye and rolled down my cheek. I found myself getting up and walking into my bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I searched my drawn for a razor and I found one. I stepped on it causing the blades to fall out. I picked one up and held it to my wrist.

Do it

More tears fell as I hesitantly stared at the blade.


I pressed the blade into my skin and slid it across my wrist.


I did it again and again but the voice still wouldn't shut up. I suddenly felt light headed and lost all of my strength and I felt my body hit the cold tiled floor.

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat