"I only just got you back..."

640 38 11

Author's POV

Cyrus put a hand over the bullet wound as he hissed in pain for the third time that minute.

"You better call your Dad, just so he know that you're safe." Officer Driscoll suggested as they stopped at some traffic lights.

"But TJ has probably already told him." Cyrus replied, half groaning at the feeling in his body.

"I know but he might want to hear your voice." The man replied to which Cyrus nodded in agreement before searching through the phone for Even's contact.

He finally found it and pressed call before putting it to his ear.

"Stevie, is it true? Have you found Cyrus?" Even asked as soon as he picked up.

"Yes, it's true. I'm safe, Dad." Cyrus replied catching Even off guard.

"Thank God! What happened to Isak?" He questioned, completely clueless about the situation.

"Um, I'm not completely sure but cops at the mall stopped him from getting to ah-" Cyrus screamed in pain as a tear escaped his eye at the distressing feeling.

"What's wrong?" Even said on the other end of the line, sounding really concerned.

"It's just the wound, it's been hurting for the last few days but it's getting worse." Cyrus answered.

"They'll probably give you something to help with that at the hospital, how far away from the hospital are you right now?" His Dad asked as he turned his car engine on.

"How far?" Cyrus asked Buffy's Dad.

"We're about 7 minutes away." He answered.

"7 minutes away." Cyrus repeated.

"Okay, TJ, Marty and his Dad are already on their way and they were already in Arizona when I last spoke to them so they'll be there before me. Make sure you tell them not to let Bubs in no matter what. I don't want him getting to you again." Even replied.

"I'll stay with him as long as I can, Even." Stevie butted into the conversation.

"Thank you so much, Ste. Cyrus I'll see you there, you'll be okay. I love you" Even said.

"I love you too." Cyrus responded before hanging up.

"I've been meaning to ask, what happened to your face?" Stevie asked, referring to the big blue bruise that was on Cyrus' jaw.

"Um- Bubs happened." The boy answered quietly, looking down at his lap.

"He hit you?" Stevie's eyes went wide as Cyrus nodded slowly.

"Why?" He added curiously.

"Because I mentioned TJ." Cyrus sighed.

"He really doesn't like that boyfriend of yours, does he?" Stevie said, raising his eyebrows and pursing his lips. Cyrus just shook his head from side to side to answer.

"What is he like?" Mr Driscoll asked in a lighter tone, sounding interested.

"Who?" Cyrus frowned.

"Your boyfriend."

"Oh, TJ is the most wonderful person I have ever met. He's so brave and kind and sweet and he always puts his loved ones first. He doesnt judge people and he's just himself. He's been through alot but he still manages to lighten up the room with a single smile. I've never had a dull moment with him and I'm pretty sure everyone can say the same, not to mention he's like drop dead gorgeous." Cyrus rambled on about his lover who he'd finally get to see extremely soon.

"He sounds pretty cool." Buffy's father agreed.

"He's amazing."

After a few more minutes of small talk they finally reached the hospital and pulled up outside of the emergency entrance.

"Is that TJ?" Cyrus gasped, looking through the front window at a smiling blonde boy who was waiting outside of the doors.

"Well, Marty's there so I think so." Stevie nodded.

Cyrus unbuckled his seat belt as quickly as he could and opened the door so that he could stand up out of the car.

"Woah, take it easy there buddy." Officer Driscoll warned Cyrus.

"I'm fine." Cyrus reassured him, standing up straight.

"TJ!" He shouted to the boy who immediately turned around to look in his direction.

"Cyrus!" TJ ran over to his boyfriend and carefully wrapped his arms around him, knowing that he was in pain.
Cyrus wrapped his arms around Tj's waist and buried his head into the crook of Tj's neck, his favourite thing to do.

"I've missed you so much." TJ whispered before pressing a kiss to Cyrus' dark hair.

"I've missed you too." Cyrus sighed in contempt.

"We need to get you to a doctor, I don't need you dying on me I only just got you back." TJ reminded Cyrus as he pulled away from the hug.

"I'm not going anywhere." Cyrus told TJ before pressing a soft kiss to his cheek causing TJ to blush.

"Good." TJ responded before unexpectedly picking his boyfriend up bridal style so that he didn't have to walk and be in anymore pain.


Okay, story time. So, I finished completely writing this whole story, every chapter was finished and edited. I came onto wattpad ready to publish this chapter to find that ALL OF MY FUCKING CHAPTERS ARE GONE SO I HAVE TO RE WRITE THEM ALL. WATTPAD REALLY HATES ME RN. That's why this chapter is really Shitty, I also wrote it on my phone so if there are any errors, blame autocorrect not me. :)

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang