I feel the same way

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"Bro, spill." Marty prompted.

We were sat in a booth at the spoon waiting for our chocolate milkshakes to arrive.

"Okay fine but you can't tell anyone." I gave in.

"I won't tell a sole." He swore, holding out his pinky finger. I wrapped my pinky finger around his and let go.

"I have feeling for someone." I admitted.

"Does this someone happen to be Cyrus?" He asked, wriggling his eyebrows.

"Uh yeah. How the fuck did you know?" I questioned before looking around to see if anyone we knew was listening. The diner was practically empty thank the lord.

"Well it's just the way that you act around each other. I know I'm no expert but the feeling is definitely mutual from what I can see." He said. A short brunette girl came over with our milkshakes.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind me asking but are you Amber's brother?" She asked cautiously while placing our milkshakes in front if us.

"Um, yeah I am." I answered awkwardly.

"Cool, Amber is one of my best friends that's how I know and Cyrus may have sent the pictures of you two roller skating to the group chat ." She told me with a smile.

"Cyrus talks about me?" I said surprised.

"More like rants about you, you're all he talks about." She chuckled and I felt my face heat up.

"I'm Iris by the way." She added reaching out her hand for me to shake it. I smiled and shook her hand.

"I'm TJ and this is my brother Marty." I replied.

"Nice to meet you. I have to get back to my shift, the new boss here is really strict. See you around?" She asked, smiling brightly.

"Yeah, see you around." I agreed.

"Oh and please, treat Cyrus well." She winked before walking away.

Marty chuckled when I froze in my seat.

I just put a green straw into my milkshake and sipped it, ignoring what had just happened.

"You should see your face right now, bro." Marty laughed causing me to glare at him.

"Yeah, you really do have Mom's eyes." He told me.

"D-do you think Mom would be okay with me being gay?" I asked him unsure.

"I think she'd be more than okay with it. Mom would just want you to be happy." He smiled.

"I hope so. I miss her so much and Ty and E.V." I sighed.

"Me too, do you think we'll ever get to see E.V again?" He questioned.

"I hope so although its very unlikely. She could be anywhere. She might not even remember us. She might not have a family." I replied, my eyes filling with tears at the mere memory of our baby sister.

"What if we tried to find her?" He said.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Look on social media and if we don't find anything on there we can ask our social workers." He suggested.

"I'm down, we should go to my house for wifi. My Mom and Dad really want to meet you." I told him.

"Sure." He replied. We drank our milkshakes and exited The Spoon. As we walked past the park I saw a familiar brown haired boy swinging very slowly on the swings.

"I'll leave you to it, we can start looking tomorrow instead. He needs you." Marty said when he saw me looking over at my crush.

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

"Positive, go get yo man!" He Joked and I sniggered before leaving him and walking up to Cyrus.

I took a deep breath before I got close enough that he could hear me. I get nervous around Cyrus a lot but it was a good type of nervous I guess. I enjoy the unusual feeling in my stomach.

Leave him alone freak 

I ignored the voice an carried on walking towards the swing set. Not even my mental issues could get in the way of Cyrus, I wouldn't let them if they tried.

"That swing taken?" I said as I reached the swing set causing him to look up.

"Go ahead." He smiled.

You disturbed him, idiot.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as I began swinging lightly.

"Yeah." He said flatly, looking away.

"No you're not. What's wrong?" I questioned.

"I guess there is something on my mind."  He sighed.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I offered and he nodded.

"It's just- Have you ever really liked someone and then figured out that they like you back somehow but you still get scared to tell them about your feelings because you are afraid of ruining everything that you have with them?" He asked.

"I know exactly how you feel. I like this one person and I was talking about them today and I was told that they like me back but I don't want to loose them by speaking to them about It because I honestly don't know what I would do without them." I told him and for some reason I didn't care that I was blushing.

"And then you finally get the courage to say something so you go over to them and then that courage is gone because you realise how bad life would be without them if the whole thing somehow went wrong." I added.

"Exactly and you find it kind of annoying that you have feelings for someone you're so close with but at the same time you love the feeling and you never want it to stop." He replied avoiding my gaze.

"And when you say to yourself you don't want it to stop you think of everything bad that could happen if it didn't stop so you shake the thought off and try to focus on something else but one way or another that thought always comes back." I said.

I wondered if he had caught on to what I was hinting at yet.

"And you lay awake staring at your ceiling wondering how the heck you caught feelings for them in such a short space of time." He blushed, fiddling with his fingers.

"And then you tell someone about your feelings and that person says they like you too but you're still unsure not because you don't trust that person but because of how many chances there are of it not being true." I said.

"Are you reading my mind?" He asked jokingly.

"If I could we wouldn't be having this conversation right now." I replied.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked. I could practically hear his heartbeat from where I was sitting.

"Doesn't matter. Can you come back to my house and help me on my math homework?" I asked changing the subject completely.


"Sure, c'mon." He said standing up from the swing. I followed and we walked to my house as our shoulders constantly brushed together causing my heart to skip a beat every time.

It was official, I had fallen in love with Cyrus Goodman. The question was: Am I the person he was talking about or was he on about someone else? The thought of my Cyrus with anyone else other than me made me feel physically sick. I could never let that happen.

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Where stories live. Discover now