Behind the curtain

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Cyrus' POV

"Thanks Dad." I said quickly  before walking away from him in a rush. 

I ran to TJ's room and walked in without knocking before shutting the door behind me.

TJ wasn't on his bed, he wasn't on his chair and he wasn't in his bathroom.

"Babe? It's just me." I called out softly.

"C-cy." A voice stuttered, It was coming from behind the yellow curtains.

I walked over to the window and slid the curtains open. TJ was on the window ledge, knees up to his chest as he rocked back and forth. Tears were streaming down his face and he was visibly shaking in fear.

"Close the curtains! He'll find me!" TJ whisper shouted, clearly paranoid.

I frowned before sitting opposite him on the window ledge before sliding the curtains closed.

"Who will find you?" I asked calmly.

"H-him." TJ stuttered.

"What's his name?" I questioned.

"I-I-he doesn't have one. He's just the mean man." TJ let more tears slip out of his eyes and roll down his face as he continued to rock back and forth.

"What does he look like?" I replied, setting my hand on his knee.

"I-I-I have no idea." He sobbed.

"Is he the v-" I was cut off.

"Shhh, please don't say it. You'll call him." He whispered.

"Teej, no one is going to hurt you." I told him.

"Not while I'm here." I added.

"P-promise?" He asked, more tears filling his eyes.

"I promise." I nodded.

"C'mere." I opened my arms and he shuffled over to me, allowing me to hold him close. He nuzzled his head against me and sighed in relief.

"Cy?" TJ said, it came out more like a whimper.

"Yeah?" I replied before I pressed a kiss to his hair.

"H-he said that you don't love me, is he right?" TJ's eyes filled with more tears as he looked up at me unsurely.

"Of course he's not right. I love you so much, more than anyone. You're mine and when I said that "I'm not going anywhere" I meant it. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, TJ and one day I'm going to be waiting at the end of the isle watching you walk down with that beautiful smile of yours plastered across your face. You're my one and only, he doesn't know anything, nothing he say's is true I swear." I said, truly meaning it.

"You wanna know something?" He said quietly.

"Sure." I responded, closing my eyes.

"You'd look really hot in a suit." He told me, burying his head into my (his) hoodie again.

"So would you, especially with a baby blue tie." I said.

"I've been looking at wedding cakes." He informed, casually.

"Have you now?" I raised my eyebrows, a little taken a back by it.

"Yup." He nodded.

"That's cute." I smiled.

"Like you." He said.

"Smooth, babe." I giggled.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"It's my Dad, wipe your eyes." I whispered.

He wiped his tears away and snuggled against me.

"Come in!" I called.

The door opened and shut quickly.

"Where are you guys?" My Dad called out.

I held TJ tighter before sliding the curtains open, revealing where we were.

"Right here." I answered.

"What are you doing there?" He frowned in amusement.

"It's our spot." I shrugged.

"Okay well make yourself useful and help TJ pack." He instructed.

"Huh? Why?" I furrowed my eye brows in confusion.

"TJ, you're ready to go home, right?" My Dad questioned.

"Yeah." TJ answered eagerly.

"You have one hour until your parents are here, I'll obviously need to go over some stuff with them but then they can take you home." My Dad informed TJ.

"We're on it." He sprung up out of my grasp and ran to his closet before taking all of his clothes off of the hangers.

"Yes we are." I agreed. I walked over to his bag and started putting his clothes in it.

"Great, I'll leave you two to it." He walked out, leaving us alone to pack.

Then a thought crossed my mind. TJ had just called me because of the voice and I had walked in on him crying behind a curtain. Is he really well enough to come home?

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Where stories live. Discover now