"Wake Up."

640 26 11

Cyrus' POV

"Psst Cyrus, wake up." I heard someone whisper as the shook me out of my peaceful slumber.

"What?" I groaned, still not opening my eyes.

"We have to go." They told me, confusing the hell out of me.

"Why?" I questioned as I opened my eyes to see who it was. It was Bubs.

"Because I said so, now get dressed. We have to leave in five minutes." He told me sternly before beginning to walk out.

"But I'm not fully healed yet." I frowned causing him to turn around.

"We'll come back to get your stitches removed." He sighed, sounding extremely stressed.

"Is Dad coming?" I asked.

"Stop with the questions and get dressed, I'm going to the restroom." Bubs stormed out and I sat up, looking for my phone.

"Where the fuck is it?" I whispered to myself as I searched for the device. It was no where to be seen.

I sighed before going over to my bag for my clothes, hopefully I could find it after I was dressed.

I hissed at the pain present in my stitched up room as I leant down to get my clothes out of my bag.

I quickly got changed into my normal clothes and slipped my shoes on as Bubs entered the room again.

"You ready?" He questioned before leaning down to tie my shoe laces for me.

"I can't find my phone." I told him and he rolled his eyes.

"You won't be needing it!" Bubs snapped.

"Calm down, what did I do?" I questioned, raising my voice at him.

"Nothing, nothing. It's fine, I'm sorry." He apologised before taking a deep breath to calm himself down. I just looked at him with a confused look on my face, what the hell was going on?

"C'mon, we've got to go. I'll buy you a new phone." He sighed before walking out and I slowly followed him.

"But all of my pictures with TJ are on that one." I complained, not wanting to loose the amazing memories I had photographed with my boyfriend.

"I'm sure he has copies, hurry." Bubs groaned before pulling on my arm causing me to wince in pain as he stretched my unhealed wound.

We reached the parking lot and Bubs searched for his car as others drove past us. He rummaged through his pockets for his keys anxiously.

"Is everything okay, Bubs?" I asked, continuing to grow concerned about the way he was acting.

"Everything is fine, Cyrus. Just get in the car." He scowled at me for a reason that I couldn't figure out. What had I done this time?

He finally found his keys and unlocked the car so I got into the back seat and buckled my seat belt.

Bubs got in and started the car and reversed out of the parking space before speeding off at a speed that was definitely over the limit.

"Why are you driving so fast?" I asked.

"Stop with the questions Cyrus!" He shouted at me causing me to flinch. 

I suddenly noticed that Bubs wasn't driving the way that we had to go to go home and it confused me a lot. No one that I knew lived this side of town.

"This isn't the way home." I stated and Bubs... smirked?

"I know." He said, grinning.

"Where are we going?" I frowned.


(This chapter is so bad that It makes me cringe but I have really bad writers block oop-)

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu