I've lost him.

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Author's POV

"He- Even? He's...gone?" Harry struggled to come to terms with the unfortunate news that he had just received.

"There was no possibility of saving him. The impact of the crash combined with the amount of blood loss caused him to die a very quick death." Buffy's Father informed TJ's.

"H-how am I going to tell Cyrus? What's going to happen to him? Where will he live? I mean, I think we can both agree that Isak isn't even barley fit to look after him on his own even if Cyrus doesn't press charges." Harry panicked.

"I'll deliver the news to Cyrus, it's my job. To answer your question on where he will stay, his biological Mother, Astoria, could possibly take custody of him depending on if she wants to. If not, he'll go back into foster care and they'll have to try and find a new family for him." Stevie explained in a calm tone.

"Wh-what if we agreed to adopt him? Louise and I?" Harry suggested, unsure about wether or not his wife would agree on it.

"If Ms. Daddario says that she can't take Cyrus in then that would be allowed." Mr Driscoll nodded.

"And how can I get into contact with her? To discuss it?" Harry questioned, unsure of what to do. He was adamant about adopting Cyrus, he would do whatever it took. After everything that Cyrus and his Father had done for TJ, it was the least he could do in return.

"I'm not sure but I can find out for you. I think if you're considering this you should call Louise and ask her about it first... and deliver the news of course." Mr Driscoll told him.

"Of course. Thank you, Mr Driscoll."

Buffy's Dad put on his hat again and gave Harry a friendly not before heading to Cyrus' hospital room to tell him.

"He's going to be heart broken." He thought to himself.

Cyrus's POV

I closed my eyes and nuzzled my head further into Tj's chest as he ran his fingers through my hair trying to calm me down, which was actually working a little.

I hated not knowing things. I hated worrying. I hated everything about this situation.

The key to having no fear is having nothing to loose. I was terrified of loosing my Dad and before tonight, that scare only happened in my nightmares.

Now it was happening in real life.
He could be dying as I'm lay here.

I thought to myself.

He could already be dead...

A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts and both mine and Tj's  heads turned to the door as it opened.

"Stevie..." I said, almostas quiet as a whisper as the man walked in.

"Is- Is he okay? Is my Dad alive? If he's in a coma then that's fine just tell me that he's alive... please." I rambled. TJ took my hand and caressed it with his thumb.

Buffy's Dad slowly removed his hat from his head and my breath hitched as my eyes filled with tears.

I knew what this meant. I had seen too many TV shows to not know what it meant.

"He's- NO! No he's not! He can't be!" I exclaimed and Mr Driscoll looked at me and then to TJ, a sympathetic smile present on his face.

"Cyrus, I'm so so sorry but, he's gone." Stevie said, his voice breaking at his words.

"No, you've got the wrong guy! I'm telling you, it can't be him! My Dad- no... No! You're lying! It can't be-"

"Cyrus..." TJ cut me off and looked into my eyes.

I felt my heart break then and there as the truth hit me. My insides dropped to the floor, he was gone.

Sobs began escaping escaping past my lips and I cried out in both physical and emotional pain.

I've lost him.

"It's going to be okay." TJ told me, holding me close.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer. I couldn't loose anyone else, especially not him.


"Everything's going to be okay, I've got you." My boyfriend reassured me.

I've lost him.

That phrase kept on circling around and around in my mind.

I've lost him.

I've lost him.

I've lost him.

What am I going to do?

A/N: Double update because I've tortured you enough these past 2 weeks oop.

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum