"I love loving you."

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*If you got a second notification for an update I just fixed an error.Nothing changed*

E.V's POV 

"We're scoring that way, you guy's score that way. First to seven win by two." I instructed.

We were at the park in the basketball court. By "We" I mean TJ, Marty, Jonah, Walker, Reed and I. We hadn't played a game together since we were little so Pops practically demanded one. It was Me and my brothers vs Walker, Reed and Jonah. Cyrus and Pops watched from the bench and Pops was trying to teach Cyrus how the scoring system worked in basketball but it was just going in one ear and out the other as he wasn't really paying attention. He was too busy staring at TJ which he seemed to do a lot and TJ seemed to stare back every single time. I could really tell that they love each other, which is great. Happiness looks good on everyone.

"3,2,1..." TJ counted down and Pops blew the whistle.

Jonah stole the ball out of Marty's hands and bounced it to the other side of the caught before I swooped it from him and scored from across the other side of the court.

"That's how it's done." I winked sassily at my boyfriend and he chuckled before we joined the others who were gathered around Walker as he had the ball.

We finished playing and we won obviously. TJ ran straight over to Cyrus and Marty spoke to Reed and Walker as I ran to Jonah from across the court.

"Nice game, babe." He told me.

"You too, Jo." I replied with a genuine smile.

He took my hand and intertwined our fingers together as we began walking towards Pops.

"I have therapy later." I groaned. I hated therapy because I hated talking about my feelings which was the point of therapy. It's especially hard when you have to keep the secrets that I have.

"You be fine Eve. I'll meet you after and we can cuddle and eat Ice-Cream, then if you really want to you can talk about how you feel without censoring the majority of things that are building up in your mind." Jonah told me.

"Thanks, Jo." I smiled.

"Anytime, baby." He kissed my temple causing me to blush.

"I love you." He added.

"I love you too." I replied truthfully. 


"You were brilliant, babe!" Cyrus congratulated me when the game had finished.

"Thanks, baby boy." I replied with a smile.

He wrapped his arms around me and I hugged him back, closing my eyes at the soothing contact.

"You wanna go to the swings?" I asked when we pulled away.

"Sure, let's go." He answered, taking my hand into his.

"Bye Pops!" We called in unison.

"Since when did you call him Pops?" I questioned, confused.

"Since he asked me to. I'm a part of the family now in his words." Cyrus smiled brightly.

"Hopefully we can make that official one day." I muttered.

"Hopefully we can." He said.

"You weren't supposed to hear that." I blushed as we approached the swings.

"Well I did and I agree with you. I want to marry you someday, TJ." Cyrus looked down awkwardly.

"I want to marry you too and someday when we're older we can have the perfect wedding." I sighed happily at the thought of Cyrus and I growing old together.

"The ultimate fairy tale wedding." Cyrus said. 

We took a seat on our usual swings without detaching out hands.

"Remember the last time we were here?" I smiled at the memory of Cyrus and I indirectly admitting out love for one another.

"Last time we were here we were talking about how complicated feelings can be and now we're here talking about our wedding." Cyrus observed.

"Do you want kids?" I asked him.

"Of course I do." He answered.

"Me too." I told him, squeezing his hand randomly.

"Do you ever stop and think to yourself how crazy it is that we fell in love so quickly?" Cyrus questioned.

"Every single day, baby. But I wouldn't change it for the world. I love loving you." I said truthfully.

"I love loving you too." Cyrus said. 


Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Where stories live. Discover now