The end of the world

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Ash rained from the sky like a grim snow, rubble covered the ground that was currently split into two sides from what I could see. A red haze filled the air, making it almost impossible to see clearly. My eyes stung like hell even though I was barley able to open them and I panted, struggling to get oxygen which would be completely normal  if I was running a marathon but I was lying on the ground, barley moving and then it came to me... Where is Cyrus?

I stood up on the fragile remains of planet earth and looked around for any sight of my boyfriend  but there was nothing.

"Cyrus?!"  I called out before coughing uncontrollably due to inhaling the smoke filled air.

"Cyrus?! Baby, where are you?!" I called out again but this time louder.

A few second later I heard a response from a very scared familiar boy. "TJ?! Is that you?!" 

"Yeah! Where are you?!" I replied, scanning my surroundings yet again.

"I need help! I'm falling down the crack!" He replied and not even a second after i sprinted to the crack in the earth that was only 30 metres in front of me.

I saw fingers gripping onto the edge, one of them had an engagement wring on.

"Don't worry angle, stay calm. I need you to try and grip onto the wall with your feet like when we went rock climbing on that date, remember?"  I told him, trying to stay calm but my heart was pounding. I had to save him, this was my only chance.

"O-okay." Cyrus gulped and I grabbed onto his wrists as tight as I could practically holding his body weight.

"Tell me when you're on the rock climbing bricks, okay?" I instructed seriously.

"I-I'm on them." He stuttered, his voice blatantly filled with fear.  

"Okay, good boy. Now I'm going to count to three and on three I need you to push down on the climbing rocks as hard as you can, as if you are standing up and I will pull you up. Are you ready?" I asked, beginning to panic severely but pushing it aside due to the life or death situation.

"Ready when you are and just in case this goes horribly wrong, I love you with all of my heart and I'll see you when your time comes." Cyrus told me.

"I love you so much baby boy, remember that. Ready?" I replied.

"Ready." Cyrus said determinedly.

"Okay." I let out a breath before getting ready to pull.

"1...2...3!" I pulled him up on three, using all of the strength I had in my body and pulled him away from the edge and held him close to me.

"I've got you Babyboy, you're safe now." I soothed as he sobbed into my chest.

"I -I love you so much, Teej." He cried into my chest.

"I love you too Baby bear." I replied truthfully.

Cyrus stood on his tippy toes and kissed me with all of the passion he had and I kissed back as I shed a tear of relief. Two minutes ago, he could have been gone forever. 

We pulled away breathlessly when we heard a slight crack.

"What was that?!" We said in unison, panicking. 

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Where stories live. Discover now