"Code Red!"

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Andi's POV

I was sitting in Andi shack listening to music while making another Shamballa bracelet. I had made so many that I had made every colour of the rainbow so now I was on to my second black one. I was that focused that I didn't notice the door open and someone walk in.

"Hey Bambi." A familiar voice said into my ear before I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. It was Amber obviously.

"Hey babe." I replied and she pressed a soft kiss to my cheek.

"What are you up to?" Amber asked looking at all the craft supplies I had laid out in front of me before taking a seat on my bench right next to me.

"I'm making another bracelet to add to my Shamballa collection." I smiled.

"How many have you made so far?" She replied.

"About 9 now, this is my 10th." I told her, finally looking up to see her gorgeous face. "Gosh, she is beautiful." I thought as I admired her bright blue eyes and  her cute little freckles she had in between them. 

"Can you teach me how to make one?" She asked hopefully, interrupting my thoughts.

"Ya sure. Pick the colours you want while I finish this one. Then I can show you from the start." I instructed and she nodded before looking at all the different beads in my bead box.

Suddenly the door burst open revealing an extremely panicked and out of breath Cyrus Goodman.

"Code red, Andi! I repeat, Code red!" He exclaimed rushing in before panting again. I put the half made bracelet down and walked over to him.

"Cyrus, calm down. Breath." I said soothingly, putting my hands on my shoulders.

"Oh shoot, I've gotta go. TJ really needs me. I'll call you when I can to see how you are. Bye guy's." Amber said before running out.

"C'mon sit down." I instructed and Cyrus followed.

"What happened?" I asked as soon as he caught his breath.

"IaccidentlycalledTJbabewheniwasshowinghimaroundwhatdoido?!" He rambled but I couldn't understand what he had just said.

"I'm going to need you to say that a little slower." I told him.

"I accidently called TJ 'Babe' when I was showing him around." He said worriedly.

"What did TJ do?" I questioned.

"He just ignored that I said it I think, unless he didn't hear me but I was speaking slowly so he probably did hear me." He exclaimed.

"Why are you so nervous?" I asked but he stayed silent.

"Cyrus, do you like TJ?" I said, taking his hands in mine. He looked down but slowly nodded before letting out a sad sigh.

"But he obviously doesn't like me. I haven't even known him for a week yet." He replied.

"Are you kidding me?!" I laughed.

"No, none of that was a joke." He said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"But the first part was completely false." I stated.

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"Cyrus, Of course he likes you! Have you not seen the way he looks at you? No one looks at their friends like that." I told him.

"Are you kidding me?!" He replied.

"No, none of that was a joke." I quoted causing him to roll his eyes.

"Andi, I don't think I just like him though." He sighed.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked unsure.

"I-I-I think I might be in love with him." He stuttered.

"You can't help your feelings, Cy." I replied.

"And hey, look on the bright side: If you marry TJ and I marry Amber then we will be brother and sister In law!" I added.

"That would be pretty cool but what if I never even get to kiss TJ? let alone Marry him." He said sadly.

"Cyrus, he likes you." I replied.

"You don't know for sure that he does." He told me.

"Yes I do, he's told Amber that he likes you." I said seriously.

"Really?" He said with the biggest smile on his face.

"Yeah. But you can't tell Amber or TJ that you found out from me, Amber wasn't even supposed to tell me." I instructed.

"I won't. What do I do now?" He asked me unsure.

"Go get yo man!" I prompted sending him the finger guns.

"O-okay. Hopefully when I next see you, this pringle wont be single." He referred to himself  before standing up. 

"Good luck." I wished him.

"Thanks Andi." He said excitedly before running out. I chuckled before going back to my bracelet making.

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Where stories live. Discover now