Breaking the news

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TW: Hospitals
Author's POV

"Teej, Cyrus. Wake up please." Louise shook them awake.
"Whyyy." TJ groaned.
"Because you're leaving." She replied.
"What?" The boys both snapped their eyes open.
"I'm coming home?" TJ asked with a bright smile.
"Something like that." She looked down awkwardly.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Cyrus questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.
"You'll see." Harry sighed.
"W-what's going on?" TJ stuttered nervously and looked to Amber hoping he would get an answer from her.
"I-I can't do this." Amber let a tear slide down her cheek as she exited the hospital room.
"Tj, we need you to pack your stuff please." Harry instructed.
"You too, Cy. Collect everything that you own because if you leave it here you won't be getting it back." Louise added.
"We're not moving until we know what's going on." TJ said sternly while stopping Cyrus from getting up.
"Um we-" Louise was cut off by Nurse Winterson entering the room.

"Are you guys ready to go yet?" She asked.
"Where are we going?! What's going on?! I'm not moving until someone tells me so speak up!" TJ exclaimed angrily.
"Baby, calm down." Cyrus said softly before intertwining their fingers together. TJ instantly calmed at his touch.

"See, he's fine with Cyrus. He doesn't need to go there, the only place he needs to go is home." Louise wiped her eyes quickly, she didn't want TJ to see her cry.
"Can't he just get regular counseling once a week or something. He doesn't need care 24/7." Harry told the nurse and she sighed.
"I'll see what i can do." She nodded before walking out quickly.

"Babe, I think i know what's going on." Cyrus whispered to TJ.
"Tell me, please." TJ sighed nervously.
"They want to send you to a mental hospital." Cyrus replied with wide eyes.
"No!" TJ protested.
"I'm not going there, ever. You guys can't force me!" He told them.
"Baby, breath. It's okay we'll get you out of it." Cyrus soothed.
"TJ, we don't want you to go either. We are doing everything we can to stop it." Louise told him.
"In the mean time, you need to take your pills. You want to appear like there is nothing wrong with you." Cyrus told him and TJ nodded. Cyrus grabbed the bottle of pills along with his bottle of water and TJ took the pills as fast as he could.
"There, I'm mentally stable now. They have no valid reason to send me." TJ said.
"Nurse Winterson is trying to call the whole thing off." Harry informed.
"For now the only thing we can do is wait." Louise sighed.

Cyrus pulled TJ into his arms and TJ began to cry into the boys chest. Cyrus noticed him sobbing and held him tighter.
"It's okay baby, I won't let them take you." Cyrus told him truthfully.
"P-promise?" TJ sobbed.
"I promise. I'm not letting you go." Cyrus replied, pressing a kiss to TJ's hair.
Cyrus felt louise staring so he looked up at her.
"Thank you." She mouthed and Cyrus smiled softly.

"Amber called. What's going on?!" Marty exclaimed, bursting through the door with E.V by his side.
"He can't go to one of those, he wouldn't be able to handle it!" E.V exclaimed.
"We're trying to stop it, the nurse is doing all she can to compromise." Louise told them.
Marty and E.V rushed to TJ's bed side when they noticed him crying and Marty lay a hand on his back.
Just then Nurse Winterson entered the room again.
"Mr and Mrs Kippen, could i speak with you outside, please?" she asked.
"Yeah sure." Louis replied and they followed her out of the room.

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Where stories live. Discover now