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Author's POV

"What?!" Andi exclaimed.

"No way!" Jonah smiled.

"That's crazy!" Walker said.

"I'm so happy for you!" Cyrus said, putting an arm around TJ.

"Thanks, Cy." TJ smiled, looking into his eyes for a few seconds before realising what he was doing and looked away. 

"Can you please explain again?" Andi asked.

"Long story short, We are triplets and the three of us were separated when we were put into care and haven't seen each other since. Well until now obviously." Marty explained.

"How can you be triplets when there is only two of you?" Jonah questioned confused.

"There is three of us." Marty replied.

"There is me, my dick and Marty." TJ joked.

"But doesn't Marty have a dick?" Walker asked.

"If Marty had a dick we would have said quadruplets." TJ replied causing Marty to slap him playfully. Everyone laughed, not including Marty obviously.

"The third one isn't TJ's half incher actually. We have a sister but we have no idea where she is it what her name is now." Marty said earning him a playful slap from his brother.

"I'll have you know I have a 7 incher." TJ defended.

No one noticed that a light blush appeared on Cyrus' face. The thought of that caused Cyrus' dick to twitch in his underwear. He brushed off the thought and his face went back to his normal colour as he ignored the reaction he just had.

"Well we've all got 1st period to go to, C'mon." Buffy instructed.

"You see, that is where you are wrong. TJ and I don't have 1st period to go to." Cyrus said standing up from the bench.

"Why not?" Marty questioned.

"I have to show him around the school and we have the whole of first period to do it." Cyrus told him.

"Not fair, you get to miss history with Mr. Malfoy." Buffy complained.

"Have fun." Cyrus laughed cheekily.

"That's literally impossible." Marty stated.

"Sucks for you then, see ya." TJ said before walking away with Cyrus.

"We should wait until everyone has gone to lessons, it gets really crowded in the Halls." Cyrus told TJ before stopping outside the school doors.

Suddenly TJ's phone vibrated. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled it out.

"Amber's texted me." TJ said.

"What did she say?" Cyrus questioned curiously.

"She's happy I found my brother. How does she know?" TJ asked confused.

"Andi probably told her." Cyrus told him bluntly.

"Do you wanna hang out tonight?" TJ asked him with a smile.

"Sure, I'd love to." Cyrus replied.

"Do you wanna come to my house and watch Netflix or something?" He offered.

"I'm down." Cyrus smiled.

"Nice lock screen." He added referring to the picture of him and TJ roller skating. TJ smiled and nodded in response.

"So do you like my friends?" He questioned.

"Yeah they're cool. It was kinda hard not to laugh when Jonah introduced himself because of the story you told me at the sleepover." TJ chuckled.

The bell finally sounded signalling that everyone should be in lessons by now.

"C'mon, everyone will be in 1st period now." Cyrus smiled before taking TJ's hand and entering the building.

"This is the General office. It's where all the registration is kept." Cyrus told him.

"And over there is Coleman's office but you already know that."

Cyrus continued to show him around Jefferson and from what TJ could see, it was a nice school.

"And this is the nurses office. I brought you here last because you need to go in there anyway." Cyrus explained.

"Can you come with me?" TJ asked nervously.

"Sure, babe." The nickname just slipped out of Cyrus' mouth as he took TJ's hand. Thankfully TJ didn't question it, instead he just smiled as they walked into the nurses office hand in hand.

"Ah, Cyrus. What can I do for you?" A lady with curly black hair said before TJ and Cyrus took a seat in front of her desk.

"Actually it's not me this time. Principle Coleman told TJ that he needed to come and see you at some point today." Cyrus explained for TJ.

"Oh yeah, he did mention that. I just need to take down everything that is unique about you so that I'm aware if you ever need help." She said kindly to TJ.

"Unique about me?" TJ questioned the unfamiliar phrase.

"I prefer to use that phrase instead of saying "what your issues are" because then it makes it sound like a bad thing when it's really not. It's different but it's a good different because it makes you who you are. " She explained.

"I wish everyone else referred to it as that. Most people just think I'm Insane." TJ sighed.

"You're not insane, that I can promise you." She replied with a smile.

"Are you okay with Cyrus being in the room while you explain everything?" She asked.

"Yeah, he knows everything anyway." Tj told her and she nodded.

Cyrus stroked the back of TJ's hand with the pad of his thumb softly. He had no idea why he felt the need to constantly touch the green eyed boy but when he did he felt satisfied, safe almost. It was at this moment when he realised that he was developing feelings for TJ.

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