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Cyrus' POV

Bubs drove around the parking lot, trying to find a parking space outside of the local Mall. It was very busy today, much to my advantage. Maybe, just maybe, I'd be able to get away today.

Bubs finally stopped driving around once we had found a parking space and he pulled the keys out.

"You're not to leave my side once, don't speak to anyone and keep your head down. Got it?" Bubs said in a snappy tone causing me to flinch a little.

"Got it." I nodded as I got out of the car. When I stood up, a very bad pain arose on my side just where my wound was. I groaned in pain and covered it with my hand.

"What's wrong?" Bubs panicked and rushed over to me.

"Nothing, I-uh I just had stitch that's all. I'm fine." I answered before standing up straight again. I lied, I wasn't fine, I was in agony but I figured that I could use it to my advantage.

If I got into the store maybe Bubs would have to call an ambulance but if we stayed in the parking lot, he'd just drive back to where we were staying.

We walked towards the entrance of the Mall. 

Arizona Mills 

So,I couldn't be far from home, it was only Arizona. Surely TJ is smart enough to figure out where I am.

We entered the mall and Bubs walked over to the standing map to try and find out where the craft stores were.

"So do you want to get clothes first or craft supplies?" Bubs asked me.

"Craft supplies." I replied, looking around for security guards. If I could find one, I could run to them. I needed to get away from Isak and I needed to get away fast.

"This way." He said, walking off and I followed him.

It wasn't long until we reached a craft store and went inside.

"I'll get a shopping cart, I'll meet you by the paints." Bubs told me. The shopping carts were at the other end of the store, this was my chance.

"Okay, I'll go and pick my colours." I replied convincingly before walking up to the paint aisle. Bubs stopped watching me and turned his head the opposite way and I took my chance and ran out of the store as quickly as I could.

I spotted a police officer standing near the Gucci store that was opposite me and sprinted to them causing the pain to erupt in my wound again.

"E-excuse me, you have to help me. The man in that shop took me from the hospital and away from my family in Utah. He's beat me and won't let me leave, please help me." I rambled, out of breath and wincing at the pain.

"Cyrus?" The dark skinned man frowned.

"Mr Driscoll." I sighed in relief.

"Your Dad called me about it, c'mon I'll take you to the hospital and we'll call your Dad from there." He put a hand on my shoulder and began walking quickly with me by his side.

"Cyrus!" I heard someone call angrily from behind us.

"Section 1 near the entrance, I'm gonna need backup, over." Buffy's Dad said into the radio.

"Copy that, be right there."  Someone replied.

"C'mon." He said before lifting me up into his arms to carry me bridal style which was unexpected to say the least.

"Cyrus, get back here!" Bubs shouted causing everyone to look at him.

"Get your hands off of me!" He groaned, clearly struggling. I looked back to see two officers handcuffing him and taking him in the other direction as Mr Driscoll and I exited the mall.

His Cop car was parked right outside of the entrance.

"I've never rode in a cop car before." I said excitedly as he put me down to unlock the car.

"Glad to hear it." He chuckled, opening the passenger seat door for me. I got in and buckled up before sighing in relief. I was free.

He got into the car and locked it before turning the engine on.

"Here, call whoever you need to." He handed me his phone and I smiled brightly.


"I'm hungryyyy." Marty groaned from the back seat causing me to roll my eyes at him.

"Starve then, Cyrus is more important." I told him.

"Ouch, someone's salty." He threw his hands up to surrender to me.

"Well what do you expect, my boyfriend is missing and we're not gonna find him if you don't stop bei-" My sentence was cut off by my ringtone blaring loudly from my pocket.

"It's a random number." I frowned when I looked at the screen.

"Answer it, it could be the pizza place offering to cure my starvation." Marty joked.

"Shut up." I snapped before pressing the green button.


"TJ!" A familiar voice said through the phone causing me to quickly tear up and run a hand through my hair.

"Cyrus, is that really you?" I asked, smiling widely.

"Yeah and I'm safe, Buffy's Dad is taking me to the hospital." He replied and my tears of joy slipped out of my eyes.

"Which hospital? I'll meet you there." I asked him.

"Which hospital?" He said to someone who was with him.

"Arizona state." I heard the person answer.

"Arizona state hospital." Cyrus repeated.

"Dad, Get the directions for Arizona state hospital up." I instructed seriously.

"I'll see you there Babyboy, I love you." I added.

"I love you too." He replied before hanging up.



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