"Hetero, ew."

978 36 22

*Sorry for any errors i wrote this on my phone*

Cyrus' POV

I entered The Spoon and sat down at my usual booth. Marty, E.V and I were meeting so that we could go and visit TJ together.

"Hey, Cyrus. What can I get for you?" Iris smiled as she walked over to me.

I could feel myself tense up at the sound of her voice I couldn't help but feel very uncomfortable around her, I knew that she still liked me.

"Oh um, I'm not ordering today. I'm waiting for Marty and E.V." I told her.

"Oh, are you guys ordering together when they get here?" She questioned. She either didn't get what I was saying or really wanted me to stay.

"No, we're all leaving to go somewhere." I shook my head.

"Where are you going?" She said, still smiling brightly. I could swear that she was attempting to flirt with me but I couldn't really tell. If she was, she wasn't doing it very well.

"We're just going to see TJ and thought, why not go together, Ya know? Save fuel and save the planet." I shrugged.

"I find environmentalists cute." She flirted.

"You also find it hard to understand that I'm gay." I muttered, looking out of the window.

"Huh?" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

Thankfully Me-maw pulled up at the side of the road as she said that.

"Nothing. I have to go, bye." I rushed out of the door away from the female and got into the car.

"Thank God." I breathed as I shut the passenger door behind me.

"What?" Marty asked.

"Iris, hetero, ew." I explained briefly.

"Oh, I get it." He nodded.

"You buckled up, Cy?" Me-maw asked from the front seat.

"Yeah." I answered and she pulled off of the side of the road.

"What did Iris say to you?" E.V asked me.

"She said she found environmentalists  cute because I was talking about saving fuel." I grimaced.

"That's straight." E.V observed, kind of jokingly.

"Exactly." I nodded.

"Anyway, have you guys spoken to TJ?" I added, changing the subject.

"I texted him to tell him that we were coming 10 minutes ago and he hasn't replied." Marty answered, checking his phone again.

"What time is it right now?" I asked.

"3:47." E.V told me.

"He's in therapy, that's why he hasn't texted you back." I told Marty.

"Oh, that makes sense." Marty put his phone back in his pocket.

"Have you guys heard the news?" I said, happily.

"What news?" The siblings asked in unison.

"That was creepy." I slowly shuffled away from them a bit disturbed.

"It's creepier when all three of us do it." They said in sync again.

"Okay, now I'm scared." I told them and they laughed lightly.

"Anyway, tell us the news." E.V instructed, eagerly.

"TJ's therapist has said that if TJ carries on the way he is then he can come home on Thursday. It's not for definite but atleast we still have hope." I informed them.

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Where stories live. Discover now