Soon to be heartbroken

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Trigger warning: Arguing, Alchoholism and hospitals.
Author's POV

"Cy, I'm going to go home. I'll see you tomorrow, don't come back until I say you can. I don't want you walking in on us arguing, okay?" Even said to his son who was currently cuddled up to TJ, watching netflix.

"Okay, bye Dad." Cyrus smiled.
"Bye you two." Even replied as he walked out the door.
"Bye!" TJ called so that Even could hear him.

"You want some chocolate, baby?" Cyrus offered and TJ shook his head.
"Please, just one piece." Cyrus encouraged.
"But I already ate a whole meal today." TJ sighed.
"It's not a good meal if you don't have dessert." Cyrus insisted.
"Just one piece?" He added.
"Fine." TJ gave in and opened his mouth. Cyrus put the chocolate into TJ's mouth and TJ ate it.

"Thank you, baby." Cyrus smiled before kissing his boyfriends forehead.
"I might fall asleep so wake me up if I start jumping again, please?" TJ asked.
"Of course I will." Cyrus replied.
"Thanks, love you." TJ muttered tierdly.
"I love you too." Cyrus ran his hand through TJ's fluffy hair and tangled his hand up in it.

~~~~~~~~~~~With Even~~~~~~~~~~~

"Isak?" Even called as he walked through the door that was already open.
"Isak?" Even repeated a little louder.
"Kitchen!" A voice slurred back.

Even sighed before making his way to the kitchen to find his husband sitting on the counter, scrolling down Instagram.

"Oh heyyy, haandsommme." Isak said, barely able to speak because of his drunken state.

"You need water." Even rolled his eyes and sighed in frustration.
"Nooo, I need your liquiiiuds." Isak slurred in response.
"When you're sober and sort your ways out, you can but right now the only liquid you need is Ice cold water." Even handed Isak the glass of water. Isak took the glass and sniffed it.
"This doesn't smell like Vodka. I want Vodka. I'm old enough now." Isak pouted.
"Tell that to you pout, drink the water." Even instructed.
"Spoil sport." Isak huffed before gulping the whole glass down.
"C'mon, let's go to bed." Even said.
"Bed already? We're not sleeping, right?" Isak tried to wink but he was that drunk he forgot how to.
"Yes, we are sleeping." Even told him sternly. He picked Isak up and flung him over his shoulder so that he couldn't go anywhere. He carried him up the stairs and lay him down on the bed before taking his shoes off and tucking him under the blankets.

Isak's eyes closed as soon as his head hit the pillow and Even stripped down to his boxers before laying next to him.
Isak rolled over and lay his head on Even's chest. As much as Even was mad at him right now he could never resist a cuddle so he wrapped his arms around him and kissed his forehead.
"Love you." Isak mumbled sleepily.
"Love you too." Even replied before closing his own eyes and falling to sleep.

~~~~~~~~With the Kippen's~~~~~~~

"Amber, dinner!" Louise called.
"Coming!" Amber replied. Her footsteps were heard trudging down the stairs before she reached the kitchen. She frowned when she walked in, Louise and Harry both had very serious but sad looks on their faces.

"What's wrong?" Amber asked curiously.
"Honey, we need to tell you something." Louise said as her daughter took a seat at the dining table.
"About TJ." Harry added.
"Is he okay?" Amber questioned.
"Um, no sweetie he's not. We went for a meeting and the doctors told us that he's going to be moved to a special hospital, one that specialises in mental health." Louise told her.
"...isn't that a good thing?" Amber furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
"It will mean that he gets proper help for his issues but it means that we can only see him once a week." Harry explained.
"But he'll have his phone, right?" Amber asked.
"No, he won't. He'll be able to call one person once a day on the hospital phone but that's it." Louise said.
"Does Cyrus know?" Amber's eyes widened.
"No and neither does TJ. He will be transferred tomorrow so we need to go to the hospital and tell him tonight." Louise sighed.
"They're gonna be heartbroken." Amber said and the two parents nodded, this was not going to go down well.

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang