"If Isak's anything like me..."

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Author's POV

"TJ?" Louise spoke as she pounded her hand on the teen's bedroom door.

There was booming music coming from the inside and nothing else could be heard.

"Teej?" She called, continuing to harshly knock on the locked door.

"TJ Kippen, if you don't open up in the next five seconds I swear-" 

"Lou, leave him. He's hurting." Harry cut his wife off.

"He's giving me a headache!" Louise groaned as she massaged her temples.

"He's playing Cyrus' favourite songs." Harry informed her, laying his hands on her shoulders.

"He has been for the past three hours! Just- go and get me the spare key." The brunette haired woman stressed and Harry nodded before walking down stairs to get it.

"Are you okay? Harry told me you were up here. I need to see TJ." Even said as he stood on the top step.

"Yeah I'm fine and you and me both. He's been playing the same five damn songs for the past three hours none stop and I get that he's trying to cope without Cyrus and all but he didn't even come down for his breakfast this morning, I had to leave it on a tray outside of his door." Louise explained to Cyrus' father.

"I'm sure he'll be fine, he's just not used to having Cyrus not by his side. I mean, they met the day that he moved in and they've been attached at the hip- and the lips since."

Louise laughed lightly at that, it was very much true.

"I also figured out where Cyrus has gone." Even added.

"You know where he is?" Louise asked, her facial expression almost immediately perking up.

"Kind of?" Even frowned, trying to work out how he could explain what he actually meant.

"What is that supposed to mean? Louise questioned, clearly baffled.

"Well, I know that Isak has took him and I think I know why." Even pulled a full tub of a medication labelled "Olanzapine".

"Hold on, isn't that what TJ takes?" Louise noticed.

"Yes but... It's also what Isak takes, well should be taking." Cyrus' father explained.

"He... hasn't been taking it?" Louise guessed cautiously. 

"No, he hasn't and when he doesn't he goes AWOL. He has the same condition as TJ just a little worse. Isak gets protective but almost too protective to the point where he becomes controlling and sort of abusive. If I know my husband well enough, my guess is that he forced Cyrus to leave by scaring him into it or lying to him." The blondie explained.

"But whatever happened, we need to find Cyrus because he could be in danger. I've seen Isak's bad side, it's not pretty." He added.

"He's in danger?" A weak familiar voice whimpered from beside the two adults.

"TJ, finally." Louise sighed in relief before pulling her son into her arms.

"We need to find him. I've gotten really angry to the point where I almost killed a high school student when I wasn't on my medication and if Isak's anything like me..." TJ teared up at the thought.

The teen quickly wiped away his tears and took a deep breath before standing up strongly.

"We need to find my boyfriend, and fast. The police around here aren't going to do shit so we need to take their job into our own hands." TJ said with a more determined tone.

"How can we possibly do that?" TJ's Dad frowned as he approached them.

"All we need is a notepad, pen and Even's brain." TJ ran past them and down the stairs, confusing the adults as they cautiously followed behind him.

They found TJ at the kitchen table with a notepad and a pen already in front of him.

"Sit down and get comfy, we're not moving until we fine min and Even's husbands." TJ instructed seriously and the parents sat down, still frowning.

This was going to be a long day...

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα