Road Trip?

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Author's POV

TJ squinted his eyes and rubbed his temples, trying to decrease the pain that the morning light had caused.

"For fuck's sake, we fell asleep!" TJ groaned frustratedly when he noticed that he had fallen asleep on the kitchen counter along with his parents and Even.

"Language, TJ." His Father muttered, his eyes remaining closed.

"Wake Up, we need to find Cyrus!" The boy exclaimed, to which he only got quiet snores in response.

"Guys!" He shouted, slamming his fists on the counter causing Louise to be startled at the noise and she sat up, trying to gather her surroundings.

"Teej, do me a favour and make me a coffee, please." Louise asked her son in a raspy morning voice and TJ rolled his eyes at her.

"Only if you agree to help me look for Cyrus afterwards." TJ tried to compromise with her.

"Do you mean-"

"Go out in your car, with me to look for my boyfriend. That's what I mean." TJ snapped, cutting his Mom off.

"But he's not going to be local." Lou frowned, confused about how far her son was willing to go with this.

"If it means driving to Washington, flying to England or diving down to the bottom of the Pacific ocean- I don't give a shit where I have to go or what I have to do. I am going to find Cyrus and when I do he's not leaving my side ever again." TJ replied as he left the chair that he had been sitting on for over 12 hours to make his Mother's coffee.

"Well If we're going on a road trip, we need to pack." Harry stated as he stood up and walked quickly to his shared bedroom to get some clothes.

"See? Dad agrees." TJ said to his Mother who then groaned and put her head back down on the table.

"I'll stay here with Amber and Even. We'll call you both if we get any updates." Louise told him and TJ nodded.

"Okay. Thanks, Mom." TJ smiled as he handed her a boiling mug of coffee before proceeding to get his medication.

"You might want to wake Even up. He sleeps like a rock, just like Cyrus." TJ remembered watching Cyrus sleep on his chest through movies which immediately caused nostalgic butterflies to bubble up in his stomach as he poured a glass of water.

"Teej, the water is overflowing." Amber informed him as she entered the kitchen with her girlfriend.

TJ snapped out of his thoughts and turned off the tap before taking a deep breath. He missed Cyrus more than he had ever missed anyone before and it hurt like a bitch.

"You'll find him, don't worry." Amber placed one hand on her younger brother's shoulder before wiping his tear away with her other hand.

"I hope so." TJ sighed and walked away to take his medication. Andi gave her a weak, knowing smile. TJ never liked to admit to anyone when he was in pain but the evidence was right there in front of them but they couldn't do anything to help him, no matter how much they wanted to.

"You might want to go and pack when you've taken those, I'll help." Andi suggested as TJ swallowed his pills.

"Thanks." TJ smiled before walking out of the kitchen to go to his room.

"Call Marty and EV, TJ needs to at least have a little fun on this road trip." Andi whispered to Amber before following TJ up the stairs. Amber pulled her phone out and quickly dialled EV's number.

Cyrus' POV

Another tear escaped my eye as I added another daisy to my crown. The events of yesterday had traumatised me and the memory kept playing over and over in my head.


"Bubs, when are we going back?" I asked quietly, making sure to stand a fair distance away from him.

"We're not." Bubs snapped causing me to jump.

"But what about Dad? What about TJ?" I asked, tearing up.

"If I hear you mention either of their names again, I swear to god I will slap you silly!" Bubs shouted, his face getting red with anger as he approached me, fists clenched.

"B-but I thought you loved Dad?" I stuttered and before I knew it, a strong fist hit my cheek causing me to feel a pain I hadn't felt in a long time.

"I warned you, boy!" Bubs called after me as I ran to the bedroom that I was currently staying in.

I slammed and locked the door behind me before letting all of my emotions out. Tears streamed down my face as I held my throbbing cheek.

What the hell had come over Bubs?

*Flashback over*

I placed the finished flower crown on my head and looked around the fields. There was not a single house in sight, only vast sheets of greenery and a forest full of unknown things behind me.

It was a beautiful place but it would be even better with Dad and TJ here.

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Where stories live. Discover now