Dear TJ (finale)

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Cyrus' POV

Dear TJ,

It's been a year since i had to leave you back in shadyside.
365 days. 8760 hours. 31536000 seconds.
All of that time, spent away from you.
It's almost been unbearable.

I miss you so much, you were my rock. I miss your cuddles, i miss your laughs, i miss how greasy your hair was when you over did it on the gel every day. I miss how fluffy and curly your hair was when you had just got out of the shower. I miss our movie nights. I miss gazing at the glimering stars at the park in the middle of the night. I miss us. I miss everything.

I know that it was for the best for us to stop talking. It was too painful for the both of us to keep going. I hope that you're happier now. I hope that Andi is keeping her promise and sticking by your side like i made her swear to do. I hope that you're doing well.

I'd do anything to change how our relationship ended, if i had it my way and not moved away, we would have lasted forever I'm sure of it.

There's one thing that I'm more sure of than anything. I love you TJ Kippen and i always will.

If we're meant to be, then fate will help us find our way back to eachother. I'm sure Andi has mentioned the power of the universe to you.

If you're reading this, then we clearly found our way back to each other, we're clearly meant to be.

If this letter sits in my locked draw for the next five years out of sight, then i guess our lives were destined to go down different paths separately.

I guess we'll know for sure soon.

Soon, we'll meet our destiny.

Love, Cyrus.

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Where stories live. Discover now