His Girlfriend

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Marty and I were sat in a booth at the spoon doing what we agreed to; looking for E.V. I didn't remember much about her but the things I could remember I could never forget. She had big blue eyes, Dad's nose and naturally curly hair. She was very boyish but had a girly side to her as well, even if she did rarely show it Marty and I had both seen it. She would force us to let her do our makeup along with Ty and I didn't mind having my makeup done, it made me feel pretty and confident. I guess me and E.V had quite similar personalities: most of the time we were very masculine and boyish but we could be feminine and girly when we wanted to be. Although I had my brother back, it didn't feel complete without her with us. It was like loosing TY all over again sometimes except this time we still had a glimpse of hope at seeing her again.

"I've requested and followed every E.V I could find on Instagram." I said, finally looking up from my phone.

"I've done the same on TikTok." He replied.

"TikTok? Seriously?" I questioned amused.

"Well yeah, most teenage girls I know love it. It's all that they post on their Instagrams." He answered.

"Fair point." I stated.

"Are you two gonna order?" Iris asked, interrupting our conversation.

"Um, is Amber in?" I questioned, looking up at her. Something had seemed off with her since the other night at the sleepover. She hadn't said a word to Me or Cyrus which was kind of weird.

"Yeah, she's in the back. Why d'you ask?" She replied, trying not to sound salty but miserably failing. I could see Marty looking at us weirdly from the corner of my eye implying that he had noticed the tension.

"Family discount." Is all I said turning back to my phone.

"I'll go and get her." She huffed and stormed away kind of sassily.

"What's her problem?" Marty asked confused.

"I have no idea. She's been off since the other night when her, Cy and Andi stopped over." I replied.

"That makes sense." He told me seriously.

I looked up from my phone again with a confused expression.

"How does it?" I asked with a frown. 

"Cyrus didn't tell you?" Marty said in disbelief.

"Tell me what?" I asked suddenly concerned.

"That they used to date." He told me.

"Him and Iris used to date?" I questioned, a wave of jealousy flooding over me.

"Yeah, before Cyrus knew he was gay." Marty replied.

"And she still likes him." He added.

"Speaking of which..." Marty nodded towards the door. I turned to see and Cyrus had just walked through the door with Jonah and smiled goofily when he saw me. I blushed and smiled back, butterflies erupting in my tummy. 

"Hey." He said quietly as he approached me.

"Hey." I replied happily. 

"Can I sit?" He asked.

"Of course." I answered before moving over so that he could sit next to me.

He slid into the booth and sat as close to me as he could.

"Hey guys!" Jonah exclaimed with his signature dimpled smile.

"Hey Jo." Marty replied, giving him a fist bump and moving over so that Jonah could sit by him, Jonah happily took the offer.

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Where stories live. Discover now