Room 234

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Trigger warning: Hospitals, mentions of eating disorders, depression and self-harm.

Cyrus' POV

I was sitting in the spoon with Andi and Buffy. We were waiting for Amber to finish her shift so that we could go back to her house with her and have a sleep over. I was most likely going to end up in TJ's bed but let's be honest, that's nothing new.

"Cyrus, we need to go to the hospital!" Amber ran over to us.

"What? Why? Are you pregnant?" I questioned, confused.

"No, it's TJ!" She said panicked.

"What's wrong with him?" My eyes widened as I got up from my seat.

"I'll explain on the way. We'll catch you guys later, Buffy call Marty and tell him to come to the hospital with E.V." Amber instructed.

"Already on it." Buffy nodded before we left the door.

"Tell me, what is wrong with him?!" I asked again.

"Mom and Dad found him unconscious in his bathroom and his wrists were cut!" She told me and tears filled my eyes.

"How are we getting to the hospital?" I questioned with wide eyes.

"My Nan is coming to get us." She answered.

As if on que a car pulled up on the side of the road and Amber and I quickly climbed in.

Is this what could have happened if I hadn't found him last time?

"How long 'till we get there?" I said worriedly.

"About 10 minutes." Amber replied.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked.

"I hope so. Nan, do you know anything?" Amber asked the lady who was driving.

"Well, he's lost a lot of blood and has been unconscious for approximately 20 minutes." She told us and our eyes widened in fear.

"Is there a possibility that we could loose him?" Amber asked and I gulped nervously. 

"It's possible but we don't know how possible because his bloods haven't been taken. If he's been eating and drinking well then he should be fine. If he hasn't then the possibility of loosing him is stronger."  I wiped away the tears that fell from my eyes.

"I-I haven't seen him eat at school." I stuttered.

"He's been having dinner with you the last few nights so I haven't seen him eat." Amber stated.

"What? No he hasn't." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"H-he hasn't been eating breakfast." Amber told me.

"Oh god." I muttered under my breath.

"He hasn't been eating." Amber said in disbelief.

Amber and I didn't say anything for the rest of the car ride and we eventually pulled into the parking lot.

"Thanks Nan." Amber sighed as we got out of the car.

"Yeah, thanks." I said.

We practically ran through the hospital doors and to the front desk to ask where TJ was.

"Do you know where TJ Kippen is?" Amber questioned.

"Who are you to him?" The lady questioned, looking up from the computer screen.

"His sister and his boyfriend." Amber answered.

"Room 234. Go up the stairs and turn left, you should find it there." The lady told us.

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