Apple Juice

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Cyrus' POV

I was sat on Amber's couch that she had in her room as we discussed what we wanted to do first. We were having another sleep over but this time it wasn't as fun because Iris was here and TJ wasn't. I sat as far away as I could from her because I didn't want her to flirt with me again.

Luckily I had Jonah and Marty to 'bro talk' with instead of talking about how much Harry Styles slayed the met gala with the girls and Walker.

"Hey, Cyrus!" Amber said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I responded, raising my gaze up to her.

"Shawn Mendes or Cameron Dallas?" She questioned.

"Uh, they're practically the same person." I frowned.

"That's what I said." Iris giggled, obviously trying to flirt.

"Cool." I said in a dull tone, not really bothered by her existence.

"They are not the same person, Shawn is clearly superior." Andi protested.

"I second that." Walker agreed.

"I third it." Amber added as if they were an army trying to gang up on me. I have to admit, I was kind of scared.

"Oh guys, did I tell y'all what Cyrus said?" Amber asked everyone, changing the subject.

"What did I say?" I questioned, more confused than everyone else in the whole room.

"Cyrus has an Apple juice fetish, his words not mine." She said.

"I like apple juice, so what? over half of the worlds population likes apple juice." I frowned.

"Cy, do you know what Apple juice means?" Walker sniggered.

"It's a drink..." I answered cautiously.

"Cyrus honey, that's not what it means. Especially when you say it like that." Iris shook her head at me with the same annoying smile she always gave me. I'm gay oh my God.

"If this is one of those urban dictionary sayings I will be done with the world. I can't even call my nan's cat KitKat anymore." I threw my hands up in the air to surrender.

Luckily my phone began ringing, it was TJ.

"I'm out." I quickly excused myself from the room and went into the hall.

"Hey baby." I greeted as soon as I answered.

"C-cy?" TJ stuttered through the phone, he sounded extremely stressed.

"Yeah? Teej are you okay?" I asked, becoming concerned.

"N-no." He panted.

"TJ, breath." I told him.

"I-I need you." He began to sob.

"The voice, it-it isn't going away. It hasn't l-let m-me eat today." He added.

"What did you do with the food?" I replied.

"I-I through it out of the window." TJ began to cry harder, I wanted nothing more than to just hold him.

"Okay, let me call my Dad and I'll be right there. Don't tell anyone else, we can talk about it when I get there." I told him.

"O-okay." He replied.

"Try and calm down for me, okay? I love you." I said truthfully.

"I-I love you too." He replied.

I hung up and quickly called my Dad's office phone.

"Doctor Even Goodman speaking, how can I help you." He greeted down the phone.

"Dad, it's me." I told him.

"Cyrus you-"

"You're on your break right now, right?" I cut him off.

"Yeah." He answered, clearly confused.

"Great, come and pick me up from TJ's house, he asked me to get something for him." I lied.

"Can't you wait until tomorrow?" He sighed.

"No, he needs some new earphones because the ones he has with him right now have stopped working. He can't fall to sleep without music." I told him.

"Okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes." He replied before putting the phone down.

I texted TJ and told him what I had just told my Dad as a cover story before putting my phone into my back pocket.

I re-entered Amber's room and smiled.

"Guys, I have to go. My Dad needs me so I can't stay tonight, sorry." I sighed, acting disappointed even though I was actually happy that I was going.

"Okay, we'll see you tomorrow?" Amber asked.

"Yeah, I'll text you. Bye." I said before walking out again and going into TJ's room. I grabbed his spare earphones from his bed-side table in case my Dad asked me anything before running down the stairs.

"Louise, I have to go my Dad needs me." I told TJ's Mom who was sitting in the kitchen with a cup of tea and a magazine.

"Okay, honey. I'll see you soon." She smiled.

"See ya." I replied before walking out of the house.

My Dad had already pulled up at the front of the driveway so I ran to the car and sat in the front seat.

"Hi." I smiled as I buckled my seat belt.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yup." I nodded, popping the 'p'.

My Dad began driving to the hospital, I hoped and prayed that there was no traffic on the way. I wanted to get to TJ as soon as possibly, before one of the nurses found him.

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