Ruining lives again

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"This is Cyrus Goodman, he is 14 years old and was shot approximately 7 minutes ago with a 0.5 centimetre bullet in the left side of his stomach. He will need the bullet removing in immediate surgery." The nurse informed the other doctors quickly as they rushed Cyrus down the hall in a hospital bed, me racing with them beside him while gripping onto his hand.

"Young man we're going to have to ask you to wait out here, only doctors are allowed past these doors." The female nurse told me before taking Cyrus away.

"C'mon, let's go and get some water." My Mom suggested, wrapping a protective arm around me.

"B-but Cyrus." I sobbed, not even bothering to hide my emotions.

"Shhh, he'll be okay. We need to call his Dad's." She told me.

"I need air." I said before walking off to the exit without her, ignoring her calls as I rushed out of the hospital.

I got outside and sat on an empty bench, away from everyone before continuing to cry.

What if he dies?

The thought wouldn't leave my mind, I couldn't loose him, I'd be nothing without him.

I brought my knees up to my chest and cried harder at the thought of him no longer being around, never being able to speak to him or hold him or kiss him again. I would never be able to marry him, watch him be cute with our children. I'd never be able to go anywhere in Shadyside without breaking down, knowing that I was once there with him. I couldn't let that happen.

"TJ?" A familiar voice asked as they approached me, it was Nurse Winterson.

"What's wrong?" She asked when she noticed me crying. She sighed and took a seat next to me.

"C-cyrus, he's been shot." I told her, letting more tears race down my face. Hearing the phrase out loud made it even scarier, more real.

"Oh my God, is he going to be okay?" The nurse questioned sounding genuinely concerned as she lay her hand on my shoulder. A wave of more tears and sobs swept over e as I thought up an answer for that question.

"I-I-I d-don't know." I shrugged before putting my head in my hands again to cover my face.

"O-once again, that d-dickhead is ruining lives again, he already took away my brother and my Mom and fucking murdered them purposely on my birthday and now he's gone and shot Cyrus. For all know right now, he's probably taken Cyrus' life too. W-why can't he just leave my family alone?" I cried, my voice breaking as I broke down even more.

"They let him out of prison?" She raised her eyebrows, clearly surprised at his consequence.

"Yeah and it's fucking stupid, he should have a life time of suffering. My Mom was innocent, my brother was innocent and so is Cyrus. They did nothing to him, he just hurt them because he's a psycho!" I spat in pure anger and disgust at the thought of my biological Father walking around the earth like a free innocent man when he should be in a cage, locked up like the animal he is.

"He'll go down for this, he won't be a free man for much longer don't you worry. Do you want me to see if I can find out anything about Cyrus for you?" Nurse Winterson offered kindly.

"Can you do that?" I questioned.

"Teej! I came as soon as I heard, are you okay?" Amber asked, running over to me with a tear stained face. She'd obviously been crying.

"I'll leave you two alone and see what I can find out." Nurse Winterson excused herself as I stood up and wrapped my arms around my sister, thanking the universe that she wasn't injured. More tears somehow escaped my eyes and fell onto her shoulder as I held her tightly and protectively.

"It's okay, Babybro. He'll be okay, I promise. Cyrus is a fighter and he won't let a gun shot take him away from you, that's for sure." Amber told me as she rocked me from side to side in her embrace.

We pulled away and she lifted my chin with her hand to force me to look at her.

"You've got a bruise on your face, the look like finger marks." She frowned and I nodded.

"Austin did it." I shrugged.

"Can you explain what happened or would you rather not talk about it?" She asked before taking my hand and leading my back over to the bench. We sat down and I took a deep breath before explaining.

"Marty, E.V and I were walking back to our house..." I started. "Austin was on the lawn, he wanted E.V  and we refused because there was no way she'd be safe with him on her own. I shouted for Mom and Dad but he put a gun to my head and a hand over my nose and mouth and said that if either of us shouted for help then he'd shoot me. Mom and Dad came out and he threatened them too, I started to loose all of my breath and was about to faint but the next thing I know, his hand was forced off my face and he shot someone behind me. It was Cyrus." I explained.

"So Cyrus literally saved your life?" My sister said out-loud and I nodded. She pulled me back into the hug and I hugged back.

"He'll be okay. Where was he shot?" Amber asked.

"In the side of his stomach underneath his rib cage." I answered, sighing.

"He'll be okay then, its not his heart or his lungs so he'll recover. C'mon, we should go inside and see what's happening." She suggested before pulling away from the hug and standing up. She held her hand out and I took it into mine before standing up and entering the building again.

"TJ, there you are!" My Mom exclaimed once she notice Amber and I.

"According to Nurse Winterson, Cyrus should be out of surgery in about ten minutes. He'll have to stay in for a few nights to recover but he's going to be fine." She added causing me to let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm here!" Even announced, running up to us completely out of breath.

"TJ, are you okay?" My potential future father in law asked, putting an arm around my shoulder. I just nodded slowly, obviously lying and he sighed.

"Come with me to get some water." He instructed before leading me away from my sister and Mother.

"That must have been scary." He assumed as we walked down the halls.

"It was absolutely terrifying. He should be locked up not showing up on my doorstep and hurting everyone else I love. First he abuses E.V, then he beats Marty and I up, then he kills my Mom and my brother intentionally why drink driving and leaves the car to blow up. Then a few years later he comes back to target us once again but this time ends up hurting the only person who keeps me going yet again. It's like he's drawn to us, he loves creating chaos with us and hurting us. I hate him so much! I still had the tiniest glimpse of hope that what he did to Ty and my Mom was an accident but after what just happened there is no doubt in my mind that he definitely se out to do it for no fucking reason at all. He deserves to suffer-" 

"TJ, calm down. It's okay, he'll be locked up for the rest of his life now." Even told me, stopping my rant.

"I just feel guilty." I sighed, sitting down on one of the waiting room chairs.

"Why do you feel guilty?" Even frowned as he took a seat right next to me.

"If it wasn't for me, Cyrus wouldn't have been shot. I feel like it's my fault." I explained, letting more tears roll out of my eyes.

"Hey, it is not your fault I promise you. You didn't have the gun in your hands and you didn't pull the trigger Austin did therefore it's Austin's fault." Even told me, looking into my eyes.

"TJ, Even, Cyrus is out of surgery." Amber told us and we stood up quickly.

"You can go and see him first." Even smiled at me and I smiled back as a silent "Thank you."

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang