"More than you ever will."

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Trigger warning: Mentions of sexual assault.

Cyrus' POV

I stormed into the spoon and rushed over to the counter that Iris was standing at, working.

"I need to talk to you, now!" I said sternly.

"But I'm work-"

"I don't give a shit what you're doing, it can wait." I snapped at her as I pulled her out of the diner by her wrist.

"You could get me fired, you know that?" She told me, frowning at me.

"And you could have cost me my relationship by telling TJ about that!" I shouted at her angrily.

"Yeah how did that conversation go?" She sniggered.

"Listen here you little bitch, if you keep your nose out of mine and TJ's relationship and we won't have any problems. If you don't, you're going to loose quite a lot of friends with the things I could spill about you." I threatened, tightening my grip on her arm.

"You wouldn't." She said, narrowing her eyes at me.

"You know for a fact I would." I replied.

"All I did was tell TJ the truth." Iris shrugged.

"Not the full truth. I didn't kiss you, you sexually harassed me." I whispered angrily before looking around to see if anyone was watching us, luckily no one was.

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy it." She smirked and pulled me closer.

"I'm fucking gay!" I exclaimed, pushing her away.

"No you're not. That messed up kid is passing his issues onto you." She laughed.

"The only messed up kid I know is you. I like dick, I like sucking dick, riding dick, taking dick and grabbing dick. What part of that don't you get?" I asked her.

"Oh baby, what has he done to you?" She pouted and caressed my cheek with her thumb.

"More than you ever will." I smirked before removing her hand from my face.

"I have zero interest in you, I'm gay as fuck and completely in love with TJ so stay away from us. If you do absolutely anything to anyone I love, I will expose everything about you and go to the police about what you did. We're done here." I told her sternly before storming off back home.


I was at the park with Marty and E.V playing basketball. It was the first time we had all been here without Pops, it felt the same until I looked over to the bench and remembered he wasn't sitting there taking the score or cheering me on. 

"You okay?" E.V asked as she walked over to me with a small smile.

"Yeah, it's just not the same without Pop's watching." I sighed.

"But he is watching, he's got a birds-eye view. C'mon, take a shot and make him proud." She encouraged and I smiled before running over to Marty and taking the ball from him without him seeing.

"Oh, c'mon!" Marty exclaimed as I ran towards the net, travelling with the ball.

"Snooze you loose." I laughed.

I eventually reached the net and threw the ball, getting it in first try.

"Still got it, huh?" E.V smiled, raising her eyebrows at me.

"Looks like it." I shrugged.

"Great shot, babe." A familiar voice said from behind me.

"Thanks, Muffin." I replied as I ran over to him to hug him.

I wrapped my arms around him and he immediately hugged back before kissing my shoulder.

"Where have you been?" I asked him, pulling away.

"I went to The Spoon to confront a certain snake and lets just say, it won't be bothering us anymore." He told me.

"I assume you're talking about Iris." I guessed.

"No shit. You should get back to your game, call me when you're finished. I'll be at my house." Cyrus told me.

"Okay. I love you." I smiled before pecking his full lips.

"I love you too." He said before kissing me again. He smiled before walking away and I ran back to E.V and Marty to continue our game.

"Hey, we were just thinking that we were gonna go back to Me-maw's to have dinner with her. She get's pretty lonely now-a-days. Wanna join?" Marty asked me.

"Sure." I nodded and we began to walk to Me-maw's house.

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