"Is he okay?"

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Trigger warning: Mentions of self harm, depression and Hospitals.

Louise' POV (surprise mother fu- that's a bad word, we don't use bad language in front of children)

Harry and I entered the doctors office. we had been called in by Nurse Winterson to talk about TJ and judging by the look on her face it wasn't any good news. 

"Mr and Mrs Kippen! Please take a seat." She smiled and we took a seat on the couch that was in front of her desk.

"I need to talk to you about TJ, something has come as a great concern to us."   She stated and I sat up in my seat nervously.

"Is he okay?" I asked trying not to panic.

"What's wrong with him?" Harry questioned.

"We have reason to believe that he's not okay. Physically he is fine and could go home but we think he should stay in hospital for a little while longer so that we can keep an eye on him. We would refer him to a psychiatric hospital but the only person keeping him some what sane right now is Cyrus so sending him there would be pointless as Cyrus wouldn't be able to visit him and he doesn't properly trust anyone other than him."  Nurse Winterson explained.

"Why is he not okay? Like, why is he concerning you?" I asked, heart racing.

"He's been having nightmares a lot, sometimes more than twice a night. He won't eat unless Cyrus gets through to him and he still is getting the urge to cut himself constantly even on his medication. He has been taking his pills but I don't think his schizophrenia is the main problem here, I think he genuinely hates himself. He may only go through with cutting if he doesn't take his pills but the problem here is that the urge to do it is still there." She explained.

"How do you know he still has the urge?" Harry questioned, sounding alarmed.

"I've heard Cyrus tell him to stop scratching his wrists and most people scratch at their wrists when they are burning or itching." Nurse Winterson told us.

"So how long do you think he will need to stay in here?" I asked.

"Until he gets better, I'm not entirely sure when that will be." She answered and I sighed sadly before turning to Harry. He gave me a sad smile before turning back to Nurse Winterson to say something else.

"Can we see him?" He asked.

"Of course, you know where his room is." She nodded.

"Thank you." I said before standing up with Harry and exiting the room.

"I really didn't think it would get this bad, I just want my baby boy to be okay. I know he didn't grow in my womb and I didn't give him his life but I honestly feel like he's my own. He's my son and I want him to have the best life possible." I cried, letting a tear slide down my face before wiping it away quickly. Harry pulled me into his arms to comfort me.

"He'll be okay, he will get better. We just have to keep thanking God for Cyrus now because TJ would probably be dead without him." He said and I nodded in agreement before pulling away from his embrace.

"Lets go and see our son." I told him and he followed me to TJ's room.

I knocked on the door and got no answer so decided to go in anyway which probably wasn't the smartest idea.

We walked in to find Cyrus on top of TJ, making out with him. They were so focused on each other that they didn't even realise us standing their with awkward looks on our faces.

"Can you show me where the pause button is on the make out control?" Harry joked causing them to pull away with dark blushes and wide eyes.

"I-I-I-I w-we were just-" Cyrus stuttered but I cut him off.

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Where stories live. Discover now