"Now i know why..."

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I walked through my door as more tears fell. Cyrus pulled me into another hug and I cried into his shoulder. I couldn't believe that Pops was gone, I was never going to see him again. I had just got him back only to loose him forever.

"TJ, Cyrus, Is that you?" My Mom called from the kitchen.
"Yeah it's us." Cyrus answered.
"We need to tell your Mom what happened." Cyrus whispered as he drew patterns on my back.
"I-I-I c-can't." I stuttered.
"Do you want me to tell her?" Cyrus offered and I nodded into the crook of his neck.
"C'mon, then." Cyrus pulled away from the hug and I wiped my eyes.
He laced our fingers together and led me to the kitchen.
"Hi Louise." Cyrus smiled.
"Hi boys. Is Pops okay?" She asked without turning around.
"Um- No." Cyrus sighed.
My Mom turned around to look at us and noticed me crying.
"What's wrong?" She asked and pulled me into a comforting hug.
"H-he didn't make it." Cyrus told her and I cried harder into my Moms arms.
"Oh. TJ, honey, I'm sorry." She hugged me tighter.
"What's with the commotion?" Amber asked as she walked into the kitchen with Andi and Dad.
"Is he okay?" My Dad questioned, concerned. I felt my Mom shake her head as I clung onto her.
"Pops didn't make it." Cyrus told them and Amber's jaw dropped and she ran over and joined the hug.
"TJ, I'm so sorry." Amber whispered and my Dad joined the hug too.
"It will be okay." My Dad said.
"I'm going to call Marty and E.V to see of they're okay." Andi excused herself in shock.
"Cyrus, can you get-" My Mom was cut off by Cyrus.
"Already on it." Cyrus walked over to the cupboard and got my pills out for me.
"Who's pills are they?" Amber questioned confused.
"Um-" My Dad didn't know what to say.
"Mine." Cyrus cut in.
"Cyrus, why do you have to take pills?" She asked.
"Oh, it's not a regular thing. I just have a headache." He lied.
"Oh, Okay. I'm going to check E.V and Marty are doing. I'll be here if you want to talk baby-bro." Amber detached herself from the hug and left the room.
"Nice save." My Dad sighed in releif.
"Do you want Cyrus to stay the night?" My Mom asked me and I nodded.
"Are you okay with that, Cy?" She said.
"Of course." Cyrus agreed.
"I'll go and call your parents and tell them where you are." My Mom left the room leaving just me, my Dad and Cyrus in the room.
"You should take your pills before Andi and Amber come back, son." My Dad suggested and I nodded, pulling away from his embrace.
I walked over to Cyrus and he handed me a glass of water.
"Take these and we can go upstairs and cuddle, deal?" Cyrus asked and i nodded.
I took my pills and tears began filling my eyes again as the memory popped back into my head.
Cyrus threw his arms around me and I held on tight.
"It's okay baby, I've got you." He whispered soothingly as the tears slipped out of my eyes and onto his shoulder.
"Why don't we go upstairs, get into our pyjamas and get comfortable. That way, I won't have to let go of you for the rest of the night." Cyrus suggested and I nodded. I still didn't know what to say, I seemed to have forgotten how to speak.
Cyrus took my hand and led me upstairs to my bedroom.
He handed me my pyjamas from my closet and got his out too.
Once we were changed I got into my bed and waited for Cyrus to finish in the bathroom.
He came back and lay down beside me. I snuggled up to the side of him and he held me close.
"I love you." I muttered.
"I love you too." Cyrus kissed my forehead softly.

I sat up and hovered my body over his before crashing my lips onto his desperately. I had no idea why I did this, i guess I just needed a distraction or something to cheer me up and making out with Cyrus was my favourite thing to do.
He kissed back and held me by my sides as I climbed over him. I slid my tongue across his bottom lip asking for entry and he kissed me deeper, allowing me to have access to his mouth. I whimpered slightly into the kiss and began to grind against him desperately. He moaned at the feeling and moved his hands up to my hair and started pulling at it lightly.
I detatched our lips and peppered his neck with soft kisses, trying to find his 'sweet-spot'. I finally found it and began sucking on the area harshly causing Cyrus to spasm a little. I finished making my mark and brought our lips together once more. I began rubbing my crotch against his and our semi hard erections made contact, we whimpered in sync and I pulled away, not wanting to get to hard.
"What was that for?" Cyrus asked with a smirk on his lips.
"To show you how much I love you." I replied with a blush.
"I love you too." He said.
"And you're lucky I do love you because now I'm going to sleep with half a boner." He added with a chuckle.
"So am I." I smirked before settling down in his arms again.
"Now I understand why you like being the little spoon." I told him with a content smile before closing my eyes.
"Everyone needs a cuddle every once in a while." Cyrus sighed before closing his eyes too.

Their Destiny- Tyrus AU (completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon