Part 31

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Khushi : well ..leave it.. now tell me why you've paid my bank debt ?

And don't you dare to say you're not answerable to me.. you owe

me this answer. .

Arnav [ raised his eyebrow] : really ? what you will do if I don't

answer ? [Nowadays whenever Arnav saw Khushi he felt to tease

her ..but Khushi was not in good mood ]

Khushi : you have to answer me Mr. Raizada.. why have you done

it ? did I tell you to do that ? it's not I who doesn't even exist for

you then why all of sudden so much mercy on me ? Neither I need

your money nor help.. you got that..

Definitely Khushi spoiled Arnav's good mood. To hear these all

Arnav got angry.. he walked few steps towards her..

Arnav : low your voice tone.. Mercy and on you ? never.. don't be

under wrong impression ... I don't want you spoil my reputation,,

,, and who said I helped you.. you have to pay all rest of payment

every month but not in bank to me.. now you got it Mrs. Khushi

Gupta Singh Raizada...

Arnav turned back to in washroom... And Khushi being more

angry , picked up paperweight from table and raised her hand to

throw on Arnav , though she doesn't do it indeed... but just that

moment Arnav again looked banc to her and saw that.. He again

raised his eyebrow when to see him turning back, Khushi instantly

lowered her hand... Khushi gnashed teeth, murmured something

then went to kitchen ... Arnav entered in washroom, locked door..

open tap line and laughed out to see her frustration.. literally he

was enjoying her frustration nowadays too much. He loved to

tease her.. to pull her legs.. and when she pouted.. it became most

hard thing for him to resist himself to capture her tented lips.

It's became his fantasy to know how it would be to taste those

tender lips .. all weird thoughts has started to peep into his mind.


Same night.........

Khushi was making bed.. just then Arnav walked in. he went to

Anjali's room to talk with Shyam , to take some legal advice .

Arnav came in and sat down on his favorite sitting spot- recline.

Switched on laptop and has started working.... After few minutes.

Khushi : your money.. [ she came in front of him, and stretched

her hand ]

Arnav : how much ? [ he didn't look up, at her]

Khushi : ummm, one month's installment...

Arnav : nope.. it's two months.. you haven't paid last two months..

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