Chapter 76

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Time skip 10 months:

"Can you believe that Noah will be 1 next month?" Jughead said as they sat on the couch and watched as Noah waddled around the apartment playing with some toys. "I know it's so crazy!" Betty agreed. Noah was a happy little boy who brought life to everyone's life. "I was thinking... maybe we should find a bigger place?" Jugehad suggested. Betty day up quickly and stared at him. "What? Like move out?" She asked. "Yeah betts. I mean... maybe we should look for a house. Somewhere Noah can grow up, and maybe with a garden" Jugehad suggested. Betty was quiet for a moment before she said "okay! Yes. Yes! Let's do it" and she giggled as she pulled onto his lap and peppered her face with kisses.

Later that evening when they were laying in bed Betty turned to Jugehad and said "it will be weird, not living above the bar". He turned to face her and kissed her nose. "I know. But it will be good for us" he said and she nodded. "So when shall we start looking?" She asked. "Well... I was thinking maybe we could look tomorrow. I keep thinking how nice it would be to celebrate Noahs first birthday in our own home" jug added. "Woah wait... that's a month away" Betty said and Jughead nodded. "That's a lot of stress" she said. "Baby. Don't worry we have all the serpents to help it will be fine" Jug said.

2 weeks later:

"Baby! Come on let's go and pick up the keys" jug yelled to Betty who was putting Noah's coat on. "We're coming" Betty smiled. They had gotten lucky and had found a beautiful four bedroom house with two office spaces and a large garden and garage. It was on the boarder of Southside and Northside, ten minutes away from the bar and pops so they instantly snatched it up and brought it. Today they were going to pick up the Keys so they could move all there stuff in. "Look it's daddy" Betty beamed and Noah placed a sloppy kiss on her cheek. "Oh thank you" Betty giggle. It made Jugheads heart warm watching them. "Can you hold him while I put my boots on" Betty said and Jug took Noah from him. When she was done she looked up and saw Noah babbling To jughead while Jug nodded his head and listened to him. "Okay my favourite boys let's go" she smiled and kissed them both on the cheek.

After grabbing the keys the drove to the house. It was their first time bringing Noah. "Are you ready to see our new home?" Jughead said as he grabbed him out of the car. Betty unlocked the door and the little family made their way in. "I'm so happy juggie" Betty smiles as jughead let Noah crawl around on the empty floors. He pulled her Against his side and kiss the top of her head. "Me too baby". They were interrupted by Noah pulling at Jugheads leg. "Momma! Dadda! Homeeee!" He squealed. "Yeah buddy... home" jug smiled.

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