Chapter 37: The World of Dreams

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(Y/N)'s POV:
"I swear hospital beds love me," I muttered to myself sarcastically as I sat up, already knowing where I was. "I don't think I remember a time when I wasn't in one."

I tore the medical equipment out of my arm and swung my bag over my shoulder.

"Like hell I'm staying in here though."

And with that I strolled out the school infirmary only to walk into Recovery Girl.

"You really shouldn't be out of bed you know."

I shrugged in response.

"You passed out during lesson. Can you tell me anything else?"

"Well I started feeling tired and my eyelids felt heavy. My ears started ringing which gave me a headache and I became dizzy and my vision blurred so I decided to sleep on my desk," I quickly explained.

Recovery Girl noted down the symptoms.

She then looked up at me. "I'm going to tell you what I told Midoriya. You need to take care of yourself and find another way to control and use your quirk. I won't be helping you again I'm afraid. You need to learn the responsibility you bare now."

I nodded and thanked her before bidding her farewell.

It was evening now so I wouldn't be able to train.

They'll probably move it to tomorrow.

Not wanting to be social, I parkoured to my room instead of walking inside the complex like a normal person. I opened the door that led to my balcony and entered my room from the outside.

I set down my belongings then sighed to myself before finally collapsing onto my bed. I snuggled into the duvet and took in the scent.

Lavender... My favourite...

I looked over at my desk and spied the vanilla scented candles debating on whether or not to light a few. It would certainly be peaceful and more relaxing but I'm also comfy and don't want to move.

I thought about it a little while longer then decided against it.

Hey, I'm comfy! I ain't moving anytime soon!

I inhaled the scent of the duvet again.

Calming too...

I shut my eyes and breathed in and out slowly.

So peaceful...

Eventually I drifted off into the world of dreams.

{HIATUS} Quirkfull Hero: Izuku Midoriya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now