Chapter 42: Never

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All Might's POV:
We sat there, together in silence. Her, the girl I need to protect even if it costs me my life, and myself, her guardian and soon to be father once the 11th of January finally rolls around.

(Y/N) loving another boy after her last relationship was something I never expected to happen so soon. When I found out how he had abused her trust and toyed with her, I had taken it upon myself to expose him for the cheat he was.

I also knew about the constant bullying she received in school. I truly wanted to step in but then I heard her speak.

"Yeah. This sucks. But it doesn't matter. Nothing they say or do can stop me. No matter what anyone says, my parents were great heroes so in their memory and spirit, I will live my life to the fullest. Never for a second shall I think about throwing my life away just because it's harder than most others. I am the daughter of Kimiko (L/N) and Sora (L/N). I am not and never will be a quitter."

I knew from that moment on that the girl sat in front of me, this lost teenage girl, could handle anything life throws at her. It was also why I never passed One For All down to her. Because she didn't need a quirk because she had one, an amazing one.


When (Y/N) is truly determined, she can accomplish anything and she has shown that time and time again.

I am proud of the person sat in front of me.

I can say with overwhelming pride, that this girl right here, is the most precious being to me in the entire universe.

"I suppose you want answers then. Along with some advice," I started.

She let out a sigh.

"Something like that yes," she replied, her gaze fixated on the carpet. "I just don't understand why you never said anything before. And why do I feel this way about Izuku, a boy I've known for a few months now, when my last boyfriend was so two faced?"

"I never said anything because of the danger you were in back then up until hopefully the day All For One was finally imprisoned. He took your quirk, your life, your parents, everything from you. To give you knowledge on my true identity and my quirk back then would have only endangered you further. Until I took you in, I knew nothing about how to care for a child. I did what I thought was right with a little guidance from Gran Torino."

"Can you tell me now?" she asked with some uncertainty.

"My quirk is One For All. To explain briefly as we don't have much time until your first lesson and have much more to discuss, it is a stockpiling quirk that has been passed on from generation to generation, the most recent holder and successor being the formerly quirkless boy, Izuku Midoriya."

"Izuku was quirkless?"

"Yes. As for your feelings towards him, I cannot explain. Regardless, you should tell him even though it is a big risk. Midoriya is far different from your ex and is a good, honest boy. The two of you have spent a lot of time together since you first met and therefore have formed a deep connection with each other. Finally, I cannot help you with your intern. Providing you the answer to that question wouldn't be very effective. You're going to have to think of something yourself. I can't give you all the answers-"

(Y/N)'s POV:
The school bell rang, cutting Yagi off.

I sighed and rose up from my seat.

"Thank you Yagi. I guess I should go now," I say glumly.

"Everything will be fine, my girl. Now hurry to class."

I sighed and nodded.

I stalked over to the door and paused at the unlocking and opening it.

{HIATUS} Quirkfull Hero: Izuku Midoriya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now