Chapter 13

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Ryan's POV

I just crossed my limits. Why I couldn't control myself. I was drunk. I couldn't believe what I did to her. I could never face her now. I am a guilty person now.


" SPEAK " I shouted.

" I had a chip attached to Haya and it indicated that she is in danger cause only she knows how to activate the signals. I reached the airport and asked Baaji to reach my house and control the system. I could not leave  Zack behind, cause I too needed him. So, I called Baaji and informed her everything. As we reached there, she too activated the system. We followed her track and then saved Haya. That's it. "

" Then why didn't you told us? "

" Cause, Iyan Bhai only told us that Haya is in danger and I checked for the signals which were activated and so, I thought that you might know that. "

" Whhtt " Mahira screamed with my hands grabbing her face, I released her.

" Bhai, what is he saying? " I turned to Iyan Bhai for the answer.

" Ryan, look, yes, I accept that I told him about Haya but, I didn't know what he will do. I asked Ajmal to reach there, who was following Rose Aunt, but he couldn't reach there. When I saw her going, I understood, she will reach there. But I didn't know that she was hacking our computers and hack our accounts. "

" No, this can never happen. Baaji can never do that. " Brian said.

" Then, who else can do that. 200,000 USD is missing from my father's account. "

" Still, Baaji can never do that. Someone else might have done that. "

" But who? " 

" That's what we have to search about. Where did this much amount reach to? " Zack said.

" We can search for it now. "

" Wait... " I said.

" If you both couldn't find the account, then I will marry Mahi. " I said. They were shocked, but that doesn't matter to me.

I saw Brian angry, but Zack pushed him to work and they tried to track the lost money.

" There is an error message coming out. We tried everything and so, we can't track the account. "

" But yeah, we can say that someone from business tycoons has done that cause, this type of network can only be traced in the top 5 business tycoons. And so, we need someone to talk about this to the security agencies in their building. Cause, only a few people can track this out. I can search for them. " 

" Hmm, so you both cannot save your sister. " Iyan Bhai said.

" No, we can search for more. We need more time. "

" No more time. By the way, where is Haya? "

" She is with me. " Brian said.

" And why? "

" Cause she is my wife. " 

" WHAT?" Iyan bhai shouted.

" I gave them this permission Bhai. " I said and turned to Brian,

" You couldn't track the account, so I will marry Mahira. Bring a Qazi in here after an hour. "

" But... " Zack tried to come in between.

" No buts. Just bring one here. "

" Aunt Kayra " I called my Khala.

" Yes Child. " She said.

She lives with us. She takes care of the household work, though sometimes, we make breakfast.

" Dress her like a bride. I want her ready in an hour. " I said and went to my room and searched for a good tuxedo coat. 

Flashback ends

After an hour, Qazi came and we were nikkahfied. She went to her room with Khala but I went to Iyan Bhai's room and took out a few bottles of wine and drank all of them with time.

I was so drunk that I could here Mahira calling me. But was she really calling me...?

to be continued

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