Chapter 30

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Mahira POV

After reading the points over and over again, I found something missing. 

Was that guy, the reason behind Nureen being missing?

Was Eleana up to something?

Why did Nureen said that they both are betraying each other?

Why Dadi was shouting at Nureen and creating a scene for just being careless? Did something happen?

And the last one, who was that friend to whom Nureen has to meet?

In order to get all the answers, I called Zamir.

" Assalamualaikum "

" Walaikum Assalam. Zamir, is there any important thing you didn't tell me that day? "

" There isn't any. "

" Okay. " I hanged the call that instant cause I know he is not telling me something. And as I know someone closer to Nureen, I called her.

" Hey, Catherine! " I started.

" Hey, Mahira, how are you? "

" I am good. Tell me how did the plan go? "

" That went well and he is so excited. And can you believe me, he cried out of happiness that night. "

" Aww! Blessings to you all. "

" Thank you. "

" Catherine, I need to ask you something about Zamir and Nureen. "

" Yeah. "

" What was the reason that they fought and she left his house? "

" What? He didn't tell you? "

" No. He just told that there was a fight between his Dadi and Nureen, followed by their own fight and then she left as usual. He thought she went to your house but she was not there. Is there anything else to know? "

" Yes. It's about a guy? "

" Who? "

" Actually, one day, Nureen called and told me that a guy is after her and he used to sent her bouquet daily and then he came with a ring and tried to propose her. I told her to complain about him or tell Zamir about it. I don't know what she did next. "

" What? " That was all I could say. It felt like I was watching a TV drama.

I gulped and asked, 

" What exactly happened that eve? "

" That eve, Zamir's family visited and so there was a fight between Zamir's grandmother and Nureen. She couldn't believe that his Dadi would not believe her. Zamir came quickly when called and he supported his Dadi and not her and so after all of them left, she told him about her pregnancy and he told her that it must be that guy's child and so, she fought and left and... from that night, she is missing. "

" I can't believe this. " Mahira shouted.

" How did you get to know that? "

" Zamir didn't answer that neither to me nor Caleb. I asked his close friend, Savas Zafer, about this, who is an FBI agent. But... I expected he would tell you this. " 

Catherine continued,

" Now, when finally her absence hit Zamir's heart, he came to me searching for her and that's when he filed the missing complaint and called for Savas and there I got that answer. And with my suggestion, he called you, after like two months of the investigation. "

" If he told this to FBI then why not me? "

" I don't understand why Zamir hid that from you? "

We said at the same time. 

Another question left unanswered.

" Oh, Allah! Keep Nureen safe. " I whispered.

" Do you know, I asked him if there is anything I should know or if he is hiding anything but his answer is the same that there is nothing...  Wait, is there any way that I can get that guy's photo? " Mahira asked.

" Yes, you can. Zamir has his photo from CCTV cameras. "

" Okay, then I will call him again. "

" Sure! "

" Okay then, take care and say 'Hi' to Caleb and the cute fetus in you. " Catherine laughed and said,

"Yeah Sure. "

" Bye. "

" Bye. "

I called Zamir immediately.

" Yes. " He said.

" I need that guy's photo because of whom Nureen is in danger. "

" Which guy? "

" So you don't remember that day carefully when you too did not believe her words and just believed that stranger who destroyed your family? " I heard him take a deep breath.

" Who told you? "

" I have many sources, be it hacker or policeman. "

" I am telling you its neither Eleana nor that guy behind her being missing. "

" How can you say that? Are you involved in this case? "

" I don't know, but my research concludes this. "

" Then let me conclude mine. Send me that guy's pic and now that Eleana's pic and mobile number of both of them. " I yelled. 

I am frustrated now. 

What has Nureen seen in him that she got married to him?

I will add this question to my list as well.

" I am sending it to your mail, just message me your mail. "

" Thank you so much for hiding it for so long. " I shouted and end up the call.

" Uff!" I breathe in and then out to calm myself and then quickly messaged my email to his number. I open my laptop, logged in to my email, activated my tech-talk and connected my laptop to the printer. I know he won't send that quickly, so, I walked to the balcony and found Ryan swimming in the pool. I smiled and walked downstairs towards the pool area.

to be continued

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