Chapter 36

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" I need to talk to you. "

I turned to face him and he pointed the dining table and ordered me to sit on the chair. He sat opposite to me.

" What is going on here? " Ryan asked standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders.

" Nothing brother, just need to talk to her. "

" Are you sure? " Ryan asked. Iyan nodded.

" Sit there. " Ryan sat beside me.

Taking a few sips again, he said,

" Do you know, why I hate you, Mahira? "

I looked at him with wide eyes.

Does he hate me?

" I don't know. " I whispered.

" Let me tell you the reason. " Iyan started. He looked at Ryan and continued,

" 1. Do you know, when my parents died? "

I moved my head in denial.

" The day your parents died. " I looked at him in shock.

" Remember, you ran out to the accident area and you were crying? I hope you remember us. "

" You both were... " I said.

" Yes. " Iyan said.

" But it was not an accident, it was a murder. " I said.

" What? " Iyan and Ryan shouted.

" Yes. I heard from some travelers who crossed the road that time and were around, that a truck was waiting for both of them to cross the road and the driver was ready for crashing them. "

" I don't believe that. "

" But I do. Think the reason why both the parents died if it was just a car crash, they would just be injured not dead. It would always be a large vehicle to make it look like an accident. " I shouted.

" Drink water. " Iyan said and Ryan forwarded a glass of water to me.

I drank it in sips this time.

" I'll search for it. " Iyan bhai said and I nodded.

" 2. Well, after that I was always ready to kill you because I blamed your parents and you for the accident but never met you, though I saw you running out of the campus of the college where Haya studied. So, I asked my men to be alert and inform me when they saw you but there was no positive response and maybe that anger leads to hate for you. " I just nodded.

" 3. Remember, you replaced that girl, that was a plan to trap you and you got yourself in a dangerous situation and entered here. I sometimes felt you are a spy because you asked many questions about the things happening here. "

I looked at him with wide eyes, shocked!

Does that mean the voice I heard was not of Brian?

Or he too was involved in it?

Wait... And that is why Ryan said that he kidnapped me a few minutes back...

" 4. That day when Mr. Idrees was here, you showed your smartness and I got more anger, seeing you alive, you know... " I nodded this time.

" 5. For escaping the park and your relation with that Rochelle. "

" 6. Your closeness to Ryan. I, once, thought that you will kill him, but...leave it. " Iyan moved and stood up.

" But today, I am thankful to you. " I looked at him with surprise.

" But why? "

I saw him smiling.

" Because you found the face of that man, which I couldn't in these years. "

I stood up.

He continued,

" Because indirectly you gave me the idea which I can never think of due to the depression of losing her. "

Iyan looked at me and gulped as he continued,

" Because, now, I guess, you came in our lives to help us fight with those people who are after those innocent girls or ladies. Thank you for coming into this mansion. "

" If..I.." I started.

" If it helped you then your welcome. And I am sorry for your losses. "

" Hey, I should be the one to say sorry to you. I am really sorry Mahira, I know I can't rewind your life to the initial but I promise, I'll never let you suffer, ever. "

Hearing that, I was at the urge of crying. Ryan side hugged me, consoling me.

" I am really sorry, siso. " I looked at him with teary eyes saw him standing with arms open. I looked at Ryan who nodded and I walked to hug Iyan bhai. 

" I am sorry. " Iyan bhai said.

" I forgive you if you keep your promise to never let me suffer ever again. "

" I promise. " He said.

" I forgive you, brother. " I said and Ryan joined us in a group hug.

" Come on now, let's find your missing friend... " Iyan bhai started.

" ...and my bhabhi. " and I completed.

to be continued

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