Chapter 34

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Mahira POV

As planned, I called Nick and asked for the updates and then Zack and then Kabir.

I am in the cab now, almost reaching to the Khan company office. As I reached, I messaged Zack about my presence.

I walked to the cabins in search of Nick and Kabir. But on my way, I heard whispers from my colleagues about me.

" OMG! She is alive. "

" Her scars ..all gone... "

" But that must be painful. "

Ignoring them, I reached Kabir's cabin where Nick was ready with the keys.

" You have to be careful. "

I nodded and Kabir followed me and I opened the door of the secret camera room.

Kabir switched on the electricity and light and soon the screens in the room showed the login message box.

Kabir entered the required information and the screen showed the live CCTV videos.

" Nick, are you connected? " I asked and he replied as a yes.

" Zack, are you connected? " I asked with Kabir's phone to which he replied as a yes.

" Okay, so Nick, can you tell us the date and time that incident happened? " I asked while I and Kabir searched for the CCTV videos of the resort.

" This is the one? " I asked Kabir to confirm the area of the resort.

" Yes, this is the main road CCTV. "

" Okay. "

I wrote the date and the time on the table note scrap.

" Can we search now? "

" Yes. "

Kabir entered the date and the video changed. He scrolled down till the time matched.

" We have to watch here and we will see the whole incident. "

I messaged Zack to reach here and he came in few seconds. 

" We all need to be alert. Take two screens each. " I said and we trio focused on the screen.

We watched the whole video and we got an idea of what exactly happened in the resort eventually leading to the kidnapping of Amaira bhabhi.

" Okay, now focus on details. "

I showed them the picture of Gibran and Eleana.

" Search them in the video. "

" Okay. " Both of them nodded and we replayed the video.

" Got it. " We trio said the same at different times.

I pointed out the man in beard walking towards the main gate of the resort who looked doubtful and then Kabir pointed to that man who entered a room in the resort and ran out in minutes and back to the screen I was watching, he sat on the car nearby. Kabir pointed the screen and video showed the blast in the resort.

Zack pointed at the girl behind the hotel where she was bringing a girl as if injured as her clothes were brown-red as blood. As she was in that place for long we concentrated on the next screen where we saw Iyan bhai and Amaira bhabhi helping others as in staff members out of the resort and then another blast at the back of the resort and there Amaira bhabhi goes to help, but that man put a piece of cloth on her mouth, chloroformed her and took her in the car, he was sitting before in. That girl placed that injured girl on the road and left towards the car and the trio left.

" Can we see the car number plate? "

"It's blurred, but we can take the help of Quinn. Let me call him. " I nodded.

In a few minutes, Quinn arrived with his keypad.

On one side, Quinn was clearing the blurred pictures of the camera plates and zoomed version of the faces of the man and girl involved, on the other side, I was saving the HD pictures and sending them to Nick for printing them in glossy paper.

" How many more pictures left? Iyan is on his way back to the cabin. " Nick said in the speaker.

" Just two more. " I answered and send him one more pic.

" Can we search this car in other streets to know where they have gone to? "

" For that, we need to hack the streets CCTV cameras and we need a strong team to do that fast. " Kabir answered.

I nodded.

" Done. " Quinn said and I saved that pic and send it to Nick.

" Can we save a video of this incident? " I asked.

" You can. " Quinn replied and guided Kabir for that.

Meanwhile, I called Nick to check for the printed pages.

" Nick, are the pictures printed? "

*no reply*

" Nick? " I asked again.

" Nick? " I asked him again in the next minutes.

" What is going on here? "

I stood still with widening eyes.


to be continued

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