Chapter 42

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Team Brian and Zack

According to the location research they did, Brian and Zack found 1 known and 3 unknown Idrees mansion.

They reach the streets of the known mansion to know at how much distance they have made the mansions.

When they reached 1st mansion, near the known mansion, they saw the building was half-constructed and there were no people, not even the watchman.

" Nick. " Brian called in the earphone. 

Nick was in one of the rooms in Mafia mansion and was controlling the cameras and watching if any danger for Brian and Zack.

" Yes. "

" Can you please check if anyone inside the building? " Brian asked while Zack walked around for any proof that ladies are kidnapped here.

After a few minutes of waiting, Nick said,

" No. There is no sign of a single person in the building. I got a legal notice page uploaded in google stating that the government found this illegal and so it is closed for 5 years for now. The case is still on. You should try for another mansion. "

" Okay. Heading towards Mansion 2. "

Spending hours, they reached mansion no. 2.

To their surprise, this mansion looked as if the construction is completed this week.

Zack went to ask information from the watchman while Brian contacted Nick for knowing how many people were working and the information of each worker with a picture attached.

" Why is this mansion getting decorated? " Zack asked the watchman, looking at the flowers and lights used for decoration.

" Bade Saheb is gifting this mansion to his wife and they will be shifted here soon. "

Nodding, Zack walked to the gate and attached some secret cameras and microphones. Brian who was in the car, took the opportunity and attached the same around the walls and threw some inside, near the garden.

" Nick, are all cameras activated? " Brian asked.

" Yes, Sir. Done. " 

" Microphones? "

" Yeah! Done. "

" Okay. Delete the footage of me and Zack doing this. "

" Okay, Sir. "

" Heading to Mansion 3. " Brian said and picked up Zack and followed to the destination.

After hours when they reached mansion no. 3, they were shocked.

The 3rd mansion was non-other than Rose's mansion which she uses whenever she used to stay in NYC other than Mafia's mansion.

Brian recognized it instantly as he once dropped Haya here when he got the duty for Haya's protection and Ryan asked him to.

" They might have changed the front structure otherwise I would have recognized it the moment I saw the picture of this mansion. " Brian said.

They were about to enter the mansion and talk to the watchman when they saw Kabir from the team Amaira's safety, here talking to Ajmal, the fake driver.

" Ask Justin about Amaira Maam's safety. Sir wants to know. " Kabir said to the driver.

" Meet me in the evening. We'll not meet. If I show thumbs up then she is safe and if I show thumbs down or other sign, think her dead. " Driver said.

Kabir turned to see Brian and Zack standing outside the car.

Brian asked Kabir to threw the hidden cameras and microphones in the garden while Zack went to the backside for the same and Brain attached the same on the gate and front walls.

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