Sugar Rushed

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Russia's POV

I woke up cuddling with something warm and soft. I squeezed whatever it was tighter. Then I heard a sqeak.

I opened my eyes to see I was cuddling America. My eyes went wide. "A-America!? Why are y-you in- ughhhh!" I said letting go of America.

"Why good morning Mr. 'I'm gonna rape you'!" America said in an angry tone.

"I-i said that? Did I do it?" I asked. "Well no cause afterwards you used me as a pillow. Apparently I'm soft." America said and couldn't help but giggle while saying the last part.

I sighed and got up. Now I know for a fact I was drunk then.

"Hey Russia. When did you first start drinking vodka?" America asked as I was about to open the door. "Well technically when I was five." I replied.

"Five!?!?" America shouted. "Let me explain. When I turned five my dad gave me milk every night to help me go to sleep. He secretly put a small amount of vodka in it so I would fall asleep quicker." I explained, "oh... That makes more sense..." America said.

"Oh and Russia you might wanna put a shirt on." America said. I looked down to see I wasn't wearing a shirt. "Why did I take my shirt off?" I asked, America. "Well, you got pretty hot and decided to take your shirt off." America told me.

I sighed and saw that my bag was set in a corner of the room. Someone must have put it there.

I went over to my bag and grabbed a shirt out. It was white with blue stripes. "Hey Russia. Why are you wearing bandages on your arms?" America asked noticing my bandages.

"Well, I... Uh... Just think they look cool..." I lied not looking at him. I put on the shirt and walked out of the room with America following behind me.

When we walked downstairs everyone looked at us, some smirking others looking kind of curious. I didn't understand what they were thinking but I didn't care either.

America looked like he understood what they were thinking but I wasn't sure about that. America muttered something under his breath but I didn't hear it.

"Oh, Russia what a great time we had. Even thought you forced me into it..." He said muttering the last part. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "You don't know what I'm talking about? But you enjoyed it too." America said. I realized what he was doing. I must have shouted when I said I was gonna rape him everyone must have heard and he knew it.

"You little bitch..." I muttered through clenched teeth. "So how was it~?" Japan, holding back excitment.

"Great." America replied. "We didn't do anything!" I denied, trying my hardest not to punch America in the face.

"Yes we did!" America said. "No we didn't!" I argued. "You do realize how much your embarrassing your self right now..." I whispered through clenched teeth.

"Okay, okay Russias right not a thing happened. But he did squeeze me to death." America said. "Oh well anyways we are playing seven minutes of heaven. Right now Germany and Poland are in the closet." Japan said actually looking kind of disappointed.

"Okay. Who's next?" America asked. "Well I guess you and Russia are the only ones we haven't done..." Japan said, smirking.

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