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Warning: this chapter may contain a suicide attempt! Read at your own risk!

America's POV

I woke up to sobbing noises. I opened my eyes and looked around the room. I didn't see anyone though. I listened closer. They were coming from the bathroom.

I got up and walked over to the bathroom. The door was shut. I knocked on it. The sobbing stopped. "Who's in there?" I asked.

I got kind of nervous about this but I opened the door. There I saw Russia with a rope around his neck and he was standing on a stool. "R-Russia!?" I shouted, shocked. "America... D-dont try and stop me... I have to join dad..." Russia said.

"DON'T DO IT!" I said. He was about to kick the stool away when I noticed his pocket knife and quickly grabbed it and jumped up to cut the rope.

Russia fell to the ground. "W-why did you do that?" He asked. "Because I love you..." I said and sat down on the bathroom floor next to him.

"R-really?" He asked. "Yeah..." I said, giving him a reasurring smile. I untied the rope that was loosely around his neck. I then kissed him. A moment later he kissed back and before we knew it we were making out in the bathroom.

A few minutes later we heard someone clear their throat. We looked at the doorway. "And you two are making out on the bathroom floor, because?" Ukraine asked. "Uh... Ummm..." Russia tried to think of a reason.

"Because we're a happy couple." I answered. "And happy couples make out on the bathroom floor?" She asked. "Well... No?" I said.

She giggled. "Well, get out. I gotta use the bathroom." She said. Russia stood up and helped me up and we walked out of the bathroom.

Ukraine walked into the bathroom and shut the door. Me and Russia walked into our bedroom and layed on the bed. We then watched YouTube for a bit.

"Wait a second... Is it the forth of July?" I asked, sitting up. "Yeah..." Russia answered, pausing the video.

"Russia, it's my birthday!" I said. "Really?" He asked, sitting up as well. "Yes!" I said. "Happy birthday." He said, smiling and hugging me. I hugged back. "Thanks." I said. "Wait, shouldn't we plan a party?" He asked. "Yeah, but all my birthday parties are at night." I said.

"Oh, yeah. Because of the fireworks. But we're supossed to plan parties before they start." Russia said. "I know. We need to invite everyone, get a bunch of fireworks, get a cake..." I listed off the things we needed. "Yeah, I know." He said. "And I also need to figure out how to get you a present without you seeing it." He said, smirking.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "I won't try to peek at my present!" I said. "I wouldn't be too sure about that. I know you Meri. Your gonna try to see it." He said. "Well I'm hungry! Let's go get breakfast!" I said. "So now your gonna boss everyone around because it's your birthday?" He asked. "Yep!" I answered.

"And you have to carry me everywhere!" I said. He picked me up and carried me into the kitchen. "What should we have for breakfast?" He asked me. "Hmmm... Pancakes!" I said. "Alright I'll make some pancakes." He said, walking into the living room and setting me on the couch.

"You sit here." He said before walking back into the kitchen.

And now a time skip to when it's about to be the party brought to you by your lazy author-chan

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