A Terrible Loss

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Keep in mind that it has been a week later. Thank you.

Russia's POV

I was in my bedroom looking for something to wear. I saw a light gray sweater and some black pants. I grabbed those and got dressed. I walked downstairs to see America on his phone. Belarus was beside him, looking at whatever was on the phone.

"Ooooh! That one is pretty!" Belarus said. I walked over to them and looked at the phone from behind the couch. On the screen they were looking at pictures of dogs. "I want a dog!" Belarus said, looking at me.

"Well, I can't just make a dog appear out of thin air." I chuckled. "I wish you could though! That would be cool!" Belarus said, a big smile on her face. "Ooh! Guys, look at this one!" America said. I looked at the screen to see a beautiful siberian husky with ice blue eyes.

"Woah..." Belarus said, looking at the picture. "I want it!" Bel said. Kazakhstan walked over. "Bel, it's time for us to go." Kazakhstan said. Kaz always took Bel to school, and she had to go a bit earlier than us.

"Bye, Bel!" I said as she walked out the door with Kaz. She smiled and waved goodbye before walking outside.

A minute later the school bus pulled up. "Time to go." I said to America. He nodded and put his phone in his bag before getting up and walking over to the door. I grabbed my bag and walked over to the school bus.

"Ah!" I heard Ukraine's familiar voice yell. I turned around to see that her backpack had gotten caught on the door knob. She quickly got it off and ran to catch up with us.

And now a time skip to the end of school brought to you by your lazy author-chan

I walked out of school, America was beside me, on his phone. I looked at his phone to see that he was texting his brother, Canada.

I didn't care after noticing that. It was only his brother and I'm pretty sure that he doesn't want me sitting here looking at his conversations anyways.

"Hey, Russia..." He said after a moment. I stopped. "Yeah?" I asked. "I kind of want a dog." America said. That came out of nowhere. "Really? Why?" I asked. "Well, I've seen a lot of dogs lately and I've never owned one before, so I just want one." He explained.

"Dogs are a lot of work, Meri." I said. "Okay, now you just sound like my mom when I told her I wanted a dog as a kid." He said.

"I do not!" I exclaimed. "Whatever..." He said, rolling his eyes. We kept walking after that.

After a few moments Ukraine ran into me, pushing me into America. " Что происходит, украина!надежда!? (What the hell, Ukraine!?!?)" I shouted. I then realized that she seemed pretty worried about something.

"I-is something wrong?" I asked. "Я только что получил звонок от папы.Он сказал, что хочет, чтобы мы вернулись домой! (I just got a call from dad. He said he wants us home, now!)" Ukraine explained.

"Но почему? (Why?)" I asked. "He didn't tell me." She said. "Whats going on?" America asked. I looked at him. He looked very confused. "We gotta get home now! Come on!" I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the bus.

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