Wait, Why are they here?

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Sorry smut won but no smuts yet just wait a chapter

America's POV

I looked around the bar to see if I recognized anyone else here, I mean, other than the people I came with. Then someone in the crowd just seemed to stand out.

Wait a minute...

I know them!

They're with someone I don't recognize though... I feel like I should know them but I don't...

I got up to go say hi. "Where are you going?" Russia asked. "Not very far, I'll be back in a minute..." I told him. "Okay then..." Russia said. I walked towards the two.

"This was such a good idea, Watt!" The familiar girl said. "I know, right!?" The unfamiliar boy said. "Hey, Author-chan, what are you doing here? And who's that?" I asked. "Huh? Oh, heh... I forgot I set the scene to this place in the story... Crap... Uh, I can't leave though! I'm having so much fun! Also this is my friend Wattpad, without him you wouldn't exist! He's what I right stories on." Author-chan said.

"Cool, nice to meet you, Wattpad." I said. "You too, I know everything about you already, also keep in mind, I'm a bit dirty-minded since I love smut so if I laugh about something you said or something else it's because of that dirty-minded trait." Wattpad told me. Then Wattpad basically vibrated, like a phone. "Oh! Another chapter! Hang on I'll be back..." Wattpad said before disappearing.

"Where did he go?" I asked. "To the land of stories of course! I hope he brings back some stories he would recommend to me!" Author-chan told me. "Oh, nice..." I said. Then someone bumped into Author-chan, causing her to fall. "What the 'H' 'E' double hockey sticks!?" Author-chan shouted.

"Oh, frick, sorry, J-" The person started. "NO! NO! NO! YOU CALL ME AUHOR-CHAN HERE!" She shouted. "Oh, oops! Sorry!" The girl said. "It's fine, just help me up, will ya?" Author-chan said. "Oh, sure!" The girl said, grabbing Author-chans hands and attempting to pull her up, only to swing her around on the ground.

"Ouch!" Author-chan said, hitting her head on the floor. Then they both began laughing really hard. Author-chan then let go of the girls hands and got up on her own. "Anyways, My- YyYyY cousin, what are you doing here?" Author-chan asked. You could tell she was about to say the girls name.

(AC = Author-chan
ACC = Auhor-chans cousin)

"I don't know but can you help me get out of this pla- wait a minute..." ACC said, noticing me. "Is that...?" ACC asked. AC nodded. "Its my story of course he is!" AC said. Then they both stared at each other before smirking evilly. "Hey America..." ACC said. "You wanna hear our impression of you?" AC asked.

"Is it going to be mean or have to do with making fun of me?"

"Well, kind of but not really..."

"Its not really that mean!"

"Its kind of the truth!"

"Uh... Okay then... Let's hear it..."I said, sighing. They both giggled. "Okay, it's gonna be very disturbing yet fun for us to do this..." AC said. "Yeah!" ACC said. "Wait, lemme get my hair outta my face..." AC said, swishing her bangs back into place. "O-okay, I'm ready!" AC said. They both then smirked at each other. "Five... Four... Three... Two... One..." They counted down.

Gosh, they're making such a big deal out of this...

"So here's our impression of you!"

My face went red at this next part...

"Ah~! ah~! R-Russia~! ah~! harder~! ah~!"

"You embarrassed!?" ACC asked, a bit too loud. "K-kinda..." I said. "Well! It is what you sound like!" AC said. "Okay, now that we're done with that, can you help me get home?" ACC asked. "Yeah, give me a sec..." AC said. Then she pulled out a golden hammer and sickle. She put them so that they were like the Soviet Union symbol and lifted them up so they were over the roof.

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