A 'Problem'

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WARNING: Smut ahead! Read at your own risk! (Sorry for all the people uncomfortable with smut it's not my fault smut won)

Don't worry, the smut is a bit later I'll warn you when it's about to happen

Russia's POV

I took another drink of my vodka. At this point I was slightly drunk but I managed to seem sober. "Hey Russia..." Alaska said. "What?" I asked. "I bet you twenty dollars that I can get you hard." He said. "Okay, that just sounds wrong, did you just say what I think you just said?" I asked. "You heard me right, BUT I have rules, I'm not allowed to touch you inappropriately." He explained.

"Okay then, I guess if it's twenty dollars I'll bet it." I said. "Okay, if I make you hard then you give me twenty bucks, if I don't then I give you twenty bucks." He said. "Okay, try it." I said. Then he described a scene where me and America were doing... Things...

"Does that make you hard?" He asked. I shook my head no. He stared at me for a second. "Just imagine it more detailed..." He said. I did as he said and imagined it more detailed until it basically seemed like a memory. That got me kind of hard. "Are you hard?" He asked. "No..." I lied. "Okay, fine then..." He said and pulled out his wallet. He grabbed a twenty dollar bill and gave it to me. I took it and put it in my pocket. (Idk why Alaska couldn't just tell if Russia was hard or not-)

I was still hard though and I didn't want to fix this problem on my own. I mean, I don't feel comfortable masturbating but if America were to help me then I'd be fine. I looked over at America who was talking to Midnight.

America's POV

"So you never got to meet your mom?" I asked. "Nope, me and Lexi were taken from her before we opened our eyes..." She said, shaking her head sadly. "I feel so bad..." I said. Then I was hugged from behind. I looked behind me to see Russia. He held me close to him and leaned down. "America, I have a problem I need you to fix, meet me in the bathroom..." He whispered before walking away. I imeditaly knew what he mean't.

"Uh... I gotta go do something... I'll be back..." I said. "Okay, not to be rude but you kind of were distracting me from doing my job." Midnight said, slightly chuckling at the end as she waved her tail in the direction of new customers. I chuckled. "Oh, yeah sorry about that..." I said. "It's fine!" Midnight reasurred me. I smiled before getting up and walking towards the bars bathroom.

There I saw Russia who was waiting for me by the bathroom door. "So how did this happen?" I asked, looking down at the bulge he had. "It's a long story..." Russia told me. "Are you sure we should do this kind of thing in the bathroom?" I asked. "Yeah, it's not one with stalls it's like a normal bathroom..." He explained.

"Okay then, whatever you say..." I said. "Can we just hurry?" He asked. "Well your sure in a rush... What's the matter?" I asked. "..." He stayed silent. "I just want to get this done and over with..." He said. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Whatever..." I said. "Okay, enough waiting let's get in here..." He said, picking me up bridal style and opening the bathroom door. He walked in and put me down, shutting and locking the bathroom door behind him.

(WARNING: smut ahead!! If you feel uncomfortable with this then go until you find the next bold typing!! Holy crap my phones at 69% at the perfect time-)

Russia pinned me against the wall, holding both my hands in his left hand above my head. He smirked at me before passionately kissing me. He slipped his tongue in pretty quickly but I didn't care.

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