Kicked Out

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You know let's time skip a few days cause why not?

America's POV

I woke up feeling terrible I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Am I sick? (America you do know that morning sickness is a thing, right?)

No I can't be... Wait this is a symptom of being pregnant isn't it? Oh, shit I just remembered morning sickness is a thing... (Good, you know)

After I finished throwing up I walked back downstairs and layed on the couch, slightly mad I couldn't lay on my stomach. (I know pregnancy's a bitch, huh? *says me who's never been pregnant in my life-*)

I just put my hand on my stomach, thinking it was kind of cool that there was something growing inside of me. (Yeah, it's called a baby, cool huh? *realizes I'm leaving way too many authors notes but doesn't care*)

Then I began thinking about how this thing is going to come out. "Oh, shit..." I murmured, wondering how much it would hurt. I had a headache but I tried to ignore it. I've been slightly gaining weight everyday which I guess means the baby is growing. (America we are not making much progress are we? Russia was right your a fricken retard of course the baby is fricken growing-)

I sighed boredly, morning sickness had to wake me up earlier than everyone else. I just layed there, slowly running my hand up and down on my stomach, thinking about the future of this thing growing inside of me. (Once again Ame, it's a BABY!!!NOT A THING GROWING INSIDE OF YOU!!! THERE'S A DIFFERENCE!!!)

I sighed again. "Can't wait for everyone to wake up." I said out loud for some reason, no one can hear me so I don't get the point of that. Maybe the thing inside of me can hear me... It probably doesn't yet. (I GIVE UP!!! IT'S A FRICKEN BABY!!! HE JUST CAN'T UNDERSTAND THAT!!!)

I slowly closed my eyes feeling drowsy. I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to something wet and slobbery on my face. I open my eyes to see Aurora, licking my face. She was sitting on my chest. "Aurora, get off of me!" I said, picking her up and setting her down on the floor.

My phone began ringing. I sat up, grabbed it and answered it to get a video call from the states. Sitting on a couch on the screen, was Oklahoma. "Hey, daddy!" She said, giving me a cute smile. I smiled back. "Hey Okie. Why are you calling me at-" I checked the time. "6:35 in the morning?" I asked. "Well, uncle Canada and his girlfriend have posted about you and Russia fighting and I want to know how I can help..." She explained.

"Ukraine and Canada are posting about me and Russia? DO THEY THINK WE WANT THE WORLD TO KNOW!?!?" I shouted, getting angry. Then a pillow was thrown at the back of my head. "Keep it down! Some people are trying to sleep!" Someone said. I looked at the stairs to see Russia standing there, looking tired and mad.

"Get any louder and it'll be a vodka bottle..." He said before walking back upstairs. "Welp, uh... Me and Russia are starting to get along." I said. "Well, I needed to tell you that Texas is in the hospital with a broken leg..." Oklahoma said. "WHAT!?!?" I shouted.

"That's fucking it!" Russia's voice said. "Oh, shit... Uh... Gotta go! Bye Okie!" I said. "Bye! Dad! Don't die!" Oklahoma said. I hung up. Russia walked behind me with a glass vodka bottle in his hand.

I quickly got off the couch. "Uhm... I-Im sorry! Russia! Please don't h-hurt me!" I said as he backed me up against the wall. I covered my face, protecting myself in case he hit me with the bottle.

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