Prank Gone Wrong

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Russia's POV

I woke up to something soft and warm touching my cheek. I think America just kissed me. I just layed there with my eyes closed.

After a few seconds I felt something wet touch me and then some giggling. My eyes shot open and I felt my cheek. "What the hell, America! Did you just lick me!?" I asked, sitting up. "Yeah." America replied, giggling.

I chuckled. "Why did you lick me?" I asked. "Because I wanted to see how you would react." He explained. "Okay then, you are strange, Meri." I said, wipping his spit off with with back of my hand.

He then got closer to me and licked from my neck to my cheek. "Hey! Quit licking me!" I giggled. "Never!" He said and pushed me down, pinning me to the bed. He got on top of me and licked my face.

"Hey! Meri! Stop!" I said, laughing. He pulled his face away from mine. He just stared at me for a moment. I think he's imagining something. "So this is what it's like being top." He said after a few moments. "Yeah, but we wouldn't be joking around." I said.

"I know." Was all he replied with. After a few moments the door opened. "Huh, I thought America would be bottom." Ukraine said. "Ukraine! We're just playing around! We weren't doing anything!" I said, America got off of me. "Sure... Also, Canada is coming over." She said. "So don't barge into my room! Knock first." She added.

"And why~?" I asked, giving her a teasing look. She blushed. "We won't be doing what you guys do!" She said before shutting the door and walking away.

I rolled my eyes, smiling. I grabbed my phone and layed down. America layed down as well and cuddled me. We just watched YouTube for a while.

Canada's POV

I finally got to Soviet's house. I knocked on the door. I heard a thud and an, "OW!! Черт!!(Shit!!)" Then the door opened. It was Ukraine she was breathing heavily and her flower crown was tilted to the side. She just smiled. "Hey, Canada! Come in!" She said.

I smiled a worried smile. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah... Just fell down the stairs!" She said. I walked inside. She grabbed my hand and dragged me up to her room.

She jumped onto the bed. I sat down on the bed. "Alright, now time to think of ideas to prank Russia and America." She said. "Uh... You can prank them, I'll just distract them and stuff..." I said.

"Okay. Wait how about you get them to watch a movie and when they go back up to the bedroom I'll scare them!" She suggested. "Sure." I said adjusting my coonskin which had tilted to the side.

"Alright, go watch a movie with them and I'll find somewhere to hide in their room." She told me. It kind of hurt when she said 'their room'. It shouldnt be like this. America should still be living with his family, not here with his boyfriend.

I got up and walked over to Russia's room. I knocked on the door. "Come in!" I heard America's familiar voice say. I opened the door to see Russia and America laying on the bed, watching videos, but the video was paused and they were looking at me.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked. "Sure!" America said, sitting up. "If Meri wants to then I will as well." Russia said, getting up. They both got off the bed and walked towards the door.

Once we all got downstairs we sat on the couch and got Netflix on. "What type of movie should we watch?" Russia asked. "Romance!" America said. "Sure let's watch romance." I said, not really interested in romance.

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