Important Message to the Gang

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(Read in the type writer font for a more sincere message lol. Sorry if it wasn't legible for a few hours. I wrote this by talking into my phone, I edited it later. I was too emotional to actually type

Ponyboy Curtis

Johnny Cade

Dallas Winston

Sodapop Curtis

Two-bit Mathews

Steve Randel

Darrel Curtis.

The outsiders was one of my favorite things in the world. It amazed me in every single way from the time period, the greasers, and the music. But it's come to a point where it just hasn't amazed me that much anymore.

The outsiders has led me to figure out who I am inside. I've learned that I am in love with the 1950s and 60s. I discovered my love for vintage music ans old movies and greasers All the above! I thank the outsiders from the bottom of my heart because they have taught me so many things and have led me to make other people happy.

I wrote this book along with my stand by me book in my grandparents ranch in Mexico the summer of six grade which 2016. Since then I've never been the same. I really wanted to become a famous  writer on this fan fiction platform.

But then when I started writing I didn't really care about votes and views and things like that. I just wrote and people seem to really like it. I created the most dramatic stories and you guys supported me.

I know all the readers who have been here since the beginning when I see your username I know exactly who you are and I know which character is your favorite!

And I've created so many amazing stories on this book especially when thinking about them, it makes me feel special. And that's all I really wanted.

The outsiders was one of the most important things to me at one point but I am getting older and I have different priorities now.

And here comes the gratitude   part.

I wrote stories in a specific way where there is a conflict and it was  always fixed by the end of the chapter or in a different part. Ultimately, I always wanted to leave you guys smiling and thinking about it. I took inspiration from things in my own life and movies to create this whole book.

This doesn't mean I'm completing the book again I don't think I ever could just because it's so important to me and completing it means I can't go back to edit or add a chapter. And I do believe I will come back throughout this decade to maybe post a chapter or a check up on how things are. I might even revise and go through the whole book just to make it perfect for all of you.

Anyway here goes my thank u's. I thank you and once again for the hilarious comments and for calling me out on my BS. I really see the appreciation you guys have expressed.

Real talk, thank you for believing in me. You guys were so active in my time on wattpad and I love you for that thank you! You all are really special because you're just so different in a world full of the same.

I really hope this book brought you some sort of confidence I can't pinpoint a certain imagine where it would but...

Y/N is someone who is strong and who may just not know it yet. Y/N is you and you are amazing. I know you may not believe it now, but you are worth so much more than anyone can comprehend, so to have you, Y/N reading my book is such an honor.

I will be writing my own book but I won't be one of the fan fiction.

Things I loved about the outsiders

Two-bit Matthews is my favorite character of all time. He is such a goofball my friend made a pillow of him for me. He just makes me so happy like in the seventh grade when I'd be sad I just think about his jacket over me. God, he was so perfect to me. I love him,
I love his hair. I feel like he would smell really good and I loved writing chapters about him. He's  my underrated man and I will always have a deep connection to him.

Another one of my favorites is Steve I don't know why he just seems so strong and masculine. I feel like he would be someone I would date next to Two-bit. I really did appreciate him and breaking down his character Was one of my best hobbies.

And the best looking of the group I personally have to say is Dallas Winston. He's actually my best friends favorite character and I know she loves Matt. I love Matt too and obviously Sodapop is gorgeous. But Matt Dillon just brings something else to the table.

I love getting to see how each and every boy had a soft spot even if it was just in fanfiction. I feel like it's very realistic and I love seeing the bonds made.  It really helped me understand boys a bit more in my middle school years.

Just like stand by me these boys will always be there for you in rough times and embarrassing times because they were there for me.

2020 is going to be an amazing year. And the 2020's is going to be a great decade, so I'm going to write an affirmation. I want you guys to say it out loud and really feel the motions of it.

"The 2020s was one of the best decades for me, "

Thank you all, again I don't want to get too emotional. Sorry this made no sense but it feels right to me. Gracias por todo...

And remember



-Gianna C.

@gigicelestes (personal on Instagram)

@sweetcelestes (Fan-account)

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