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Hope Tala - Lovestained

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Hope Tala - Lovestained

It's been five months since Zayn and I got back together. My life has been a huge and scary rollercoaster ever since he showed up at my place of work. There has been arguments every single weeks but nothing major.

Doniya still hates the ground I walk on— it's completely fine. It doesn't bother me anymore because whether she likes me or not, she's never getting rid of me.
I met his parents; Trisha and Yaser. His father adores me but his mum? Not soo much but again— it's totally fine, I try my best not to cross her.
It took some time but Zayn finally opened up about Kimberly. His mother and Kimberly, I have no idea who's worse. How could a mother do something like that to her own son that she claims to love?

I had to show him the importance of having a mother— to help encourage him to see his. Speaking of mothers, mine is far better now. I wasted six years of her life by keeping her in that cheap scam of a hospital that stunted her progress but my angel— Zayn, helped with everything.

She can talk now, she barely does but she can. I admire that woman soo much. She's the strongest person I know. Someone who lost everything she's ever loved; the man she adored, her children, even me. She's still hurting, more now than before because until a few months ago she was numb.
She crumbles with every second that she thinks she's alone but it doesn't sadden me. It makes me happy because I'd rather see her feel everything in waves than have her bottle it all up inside.
It's her time to explode now and I'm happy she has this— she deserves this much. I've been there every step of the way, reliving all my sealed up wounds with her.

She isn't in that high-end hospital anymore. I took an apartment in the better part of the city so she could live with me now. We've become more of a family; Cheryl, Mum and I. She loves Cheryl like she's her own. I know she reminds her of Caren and I'm glad she lets it heal her instead of break her.
I took a deep breath as I stared into the mirror, completely ignoring my impatient boyfriend. I still couldn't believe just how much my life has changed since I met him.
I subconsciously played with the big diamond ring on my finger— still in disbelief. I'd be lying if I say I'm not terrified of the new path Zayn and I are about to take.
Doubt however has never slipped into my mind cause if there's one thing I've been sure of since I tripped and fell in love with him it's that I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

My eyes snapped to the door that was pushed open. I'm a nervous wreck. He chuckled as he made his way closer to me— looking less nervous than I expected.
"Are you going dressed like that?"
He buried his face in the crook of my neck, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to his chest.
I ignored him and turned around, my eyes never leaving his reflection in the mirror. Hell he still gives me butterflies in my stomach. I still love him more and more with every passing day but it isn't soo scary anymore because he loves me back.

He loves me just as much.

"The dress is ugly isn't it?"
I worried, looking at him with wide eyes through the mirror and he pulled away. He's still soo fucking intense, his gazes are always soo heavy that I feel like he's trying to see my soul. There's soo much love in his eyes always. He looks at me like I'm the most beautiful thing that he has ever seen. Really I knew it didn't matter then, even if I wore rags he'd still say I look—
"Nope," He shrugged, going back to laying kisses all over my neck once again.
"Then you shouldn't have commented on the dress in the first place."
I rolled my eyes, feeling very antsy.
He pulled away and spun me around so I'd face him. "This dress makes me want to bend you over and fuck you. Heck I'd comment on it" His eyes went dark with lust as he dragged his hands down my body.
His scent was soo fucking intoxicating. He's by far the most beautiful man I've ever laid my eyes on.

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