47 ~ Taking Care

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I held onto her for dear life, whilst we were crying together but I hadn't told her the worst part yet and I was plucking up the courage to do that. She needed to heal first so this gave me just a few more days till I had to tell her anything. For now I just wanted to hold her and never let go ever again.

"I lost the baby Harry" she stuttered whilst hiding her face into my chest.

"I know love, I know"

"I'm so sorry"

I hold her a bit tighter, still being careful, as bruises covered her body. I was trying to sooth her when Mike came running through the door as I had called him when she was sleeping.

"Sammie!" he said with a hoarse voice. I wanted to give them some time but when I tried to get out of the bed she hold on to me even more, so I just stayed where I was.

"You're awake finally!"

"I'm sorry Mike." She said and that's where I saw the changes in her, as she referred to him as dad before all this happened. He noticed it to as he looked at me but I shrugged my shoulders slightly.

"It's alright sweetheart, we are just glad that you are safe with us again."

"Safe..." she said softly testing that word and the pain multiplied when she did that and she buried her face into my chest again. I was stroking her back as I looked over to Mike. "I think her meds are kicking in, I will come out into the hallway in a bit" I told Mike whilst he walked out of the room. I felt her breathing getting slower and within a few seconds she was fast asleep.

I got out of bed and walked silently to the hallway were Mike and his wife were waiting for me. Mike was leaning against the wall and his wife was silently crying. They really saw her as their own daughter.


"Harry, how is she doing?"

"She is doing good I guess but she is highly traumatized"

"I can't imagine what she has been through, will you tell us her whole story, please?"

"I will, let's sit in the cafeteria." We walked downstairs into the cafeteria and we took a seat at one of the tables somewhere in the corner. Mike got us some coffee and when he was seated again they both gazed at me.

"Alright, her real name is Elisabeth and she is from the Netherlands. She moved here to escape from her father by doing this she had to change her identity. When we first started dating she never wanted to come with me to major stuff as there would be paparazzi and at first I didn't mind but after a while I started wondering why she didn't want to be seen with me, as it was just a bit weird. She was always making up excuses and I wasn't having it anymore so I forced her to tell me the truth, which she did."

"You guys weren't together a few weeks ago, right because she really looked bad when she came back from America" Mike asked and I nodded, as it was my fault that she came back. "Yes that's correct. I hurt her trust by doing something really stupid and to be fair it wasn't all my fault, as my mom had set me up but that doesn't matter, what matters is that she ran away from me and when I found her she was on her own in a hotel.

I apologized to her and she eventually accepted it and we spend the night. The following day she found out that Kendal had kissed me and she ran away again but this time she took a flight home and changed her looks by cutting of her hair and she dyed it."

"Yes we noticed that change in her too but she didn't let us come close enough and then suddenly out of nowhere she was pregnant." Mike said again and again I nodded, as he was totally right.

"Yes, we didn't use protection and we were finally getting closer again and she didn't worry about her father anymore and then this happened. I think he must have seen her on the news when I announced the world that we were together and pregnant. If I hadn't done that this would never have happened."

"That's true but she was happy with you, so never blame yourself for this son." Mike said whilst placing his hand on my shoulder. I felt my hands shake because I really did feel guilty about this all and I was happy that the paparazzi left me alone at the moment because I don't know what I should do if they bothered me with their questions.

"Look I really need to get back up again, I will call you when there is more news." I told them both and they walked away. I sighed and grabbed the courage to go up again.

She was sleeping by now and I crawled behind her and pulled her into my chest and closed my eyes.

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