Until the sun rises「Azul Ashengrotto xreader Part1」

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| Until the sun rises 「Part 1」


Kitsune!Azul x reader

Japanese myths AU

Inspired by song 'Hare Hare Ya'

A/N: Azul was an octopus and now I made him a fox. =w=

Ugh... school was the worst. The people there bullied you. Everyday, and when you come home, no one in your house even cares about you. You are tired, so tired. You dropped yourself to the soft bed.

Later that night, you dreamed of a place so familiar, yet you haven't been to it before. "Wow.." (Y/N) said in amusement, there are fireflies flying around with many Torii. That formed a path down hill. (Y/N) had no hesitation, she ran down hill, as fast as she can. But then, she caught a glimpse of a red kimono. She followed it down the Torii path as she found a parade. The parade had many people, but neither of them showed their faces. All was wearing a kitsume mask, as they walk downhill.

(Y/N), still excited by the newfound place, she ran toward the parade in her full speed. But then, A hand grabbed her shoulder. "Umm.. Miss?" A gentle voice called out to you. As you looked back, you saw a tall figure wearing a yukata looming over you. "Sorry " you said to him as he smiled. "It's fine by the way,My name is Azul, and yours? Miss?" Azul asked you blushed. Oh, you haven't seen someone so polite! "I-...It's (Y/N)." You shuttered as you look at the pebbled path. "Do you wanted to join us, (Y/N)? If you don't mind." He smiled that beautiful smile again, that always give you a heart attack. "Thank you, I'd love to." You replied as you smiled and followed him down the pebbled path.

As you walked down, you could see more people, dancing, talking to each other, having fun and enjoy themselves. It's is like a small festival. But as you two walked down, one person bumped to you sends you nearly falling. You closed your eyes waiting for an impact. But as you fell, a strong arm caught you perfectly in its embrace. "A-Ah! I should have warned you to be careful there, Miss." He said as he hold you up and smile. But that sweet moment ended really quickly because-

"Azulllll|~~!" A voice called out in a distance as as Azul's head snapped towards the direction. In a distance, there were two figures with turquoise hair and black highlights. "Jade and Floyd.." When Azul mentioned Floyd he face palm hard. You giggled at the funny person in a distance, because they are so loud and funny! You just can't help but smile. As you placed your trust on them and hang out with them.

| An hour later

"Koebi Chan ~" Floyd called as you turned to him. "Yes?" You smiled. "Do you wanted to go grab more snacks?" He asked. "You bet!" You said as you and Floyd ran to the stalls to buy more snacks.

Back to Jade and Azul's side. A serious atmosphere floated around them. Jade's stern and concerned look turned to Azul. "Don't you remember our rule among us yokai?" He asked. Azul sighed then look back at Jade with the more stern look. "Yes I do, and I am intended to break that rule." He answered as he look at the direction that you and Jade ran off. "Are you sure? That could make you disappear...... if someone other than us know.. " Jade said again. " Yes I am." He said. Jade sighed and look at Azul. Then Azul said, " So, could you help me keep this secret between us three?". A stern look plastered on Azul's face as he spoke. "Heh.. so there's no way stopping a Fox in love, huh." Jade answered with a small smile. Azul blushed in a deep red, but thanks the dark, for not letting it show.

(Y/N) and Floyd ran back with many bags of snacks and a sugared apple in

(Y/N)'s mouth. Then she took a bite and ran to Azul. "Here! It tastes great! Try it!!" As she picked up another sugared apple and hold it in front of Azul. But Azul noticed something, a small sugar near

(Y/N)'s mouth. So, he decided she is about to leave the dream world, so.. it didn't hurt to try, right?

Azul leaned down and plant a kiss near her mouth as he licked the sugar away. (Y/N) stood there, shocked by the kiss Azul gave her. Behind there is a cheering Floyd and a grinning Jade. As Azul leaned back to his former position. You felt something on your hands. It felt warm, like holding hand with someone. But when you looked down, you see your both hands disappearing in to hundreds of butterflies. As they floated to the sky, you feel weird again. It felt like flying, but you are disappearing. You don't want to go.. You wanted to stay here.. forever , being with them is the best thing that ever happened to you. A single tear slipped from your eye, so you look at Azul, if he could hold you there. But instead, he took your hand and kissed your palm. "Until we meet again in your dreams,m'lady" he said as Jade , Floyd and him smiled at you.

Your body sprang up from the bed. As you looked for the clock. It's 6:00 a.m. Ah.. now you know, that people were just a dream. It hurt when you have to leave. But if you don't..you'll be punished, by your family.. So you have no choice but to shrugged it off and head off. But somehow you couldn't shake the image of Azul's smile off...

When you disappeared from the dream world, Azul, Jade and Floyd turned back to their true form. As a pair of fluffy ears popped out from their head. And a fluffy tail popped out front their behind. Red painting near their eyes and spirits rose up from the floor and float around the place. As the crowded festival changed to a quiet forest with ruins.

(A/N): Yay! Finished! Part two is gonna be long too~ But before I whoop out here. I'll tell you something.... I'll get you guys to vote for ending! At the end of part 2! So~ wait now my dear~

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