「Rotten fate 」Epel x Reader

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「Rotten fate 」Epel x Reader

A/N: lemme go, full angst and full cringey drama stuff!!! Here !!!! And there's some warnings and it's fantasy au!

Mini-Warning: Mini yandere And forceful theme, just a little. And major fluff.

"You're mine"

Vil'd always say, as he 'pushed' your mouth on to his 'forcefully'. You never loved Vil, your heart is meant for Epel, but nonetheless, Vil wanted you, just You, No Epel. He wanted you to be his queen, to continue his clan and to praise him, be his pride but you never smiled with him.

He'd force you, hit you, and make you bleed just to heat you saying you love him, but he won't do it, because there's still a part of him that wanted you to love him, not by force, so he let you live half with him and half with the life you desire. But he still watches over you from the throne of his castle.


(Y/N) said as she sank into the embrace of the lavender haired man, Epel. He chucked as he pat her (H/C) and glared at the castle to see Vil, glaring down with jealousy. At first, Vil thought Epel is your sibling or some sort, but he realized the expression you gave him, love, the real love from you that he desires.

So he decided to make a poison, to kill, no, led him into a deep slumber for days, and won't even remember about (Y/N) anymore. The poison is green, but not as his jealousy,he wishes to kill the male but if he did it, she'd hate him so he'd invent a poison to led him sleep for long instead.

He decided to start his plan when (Y/N) was in his chambers, probably sleeping and dreaming about Epel. That night he poured the poison into the lavender-head's mouth gently as he whispered good night...

The following morning came as (Y/N) frantically came back to him saying, 'Epel won't wake up from his slumber.' She cried and cried, begging him to help her to destroy the curse of his slumber. Vil Schöenheit grinned as he said his deal that he has been planning for long.

"Would you spend all your life with me? I'll wake him up."

(Y/N) blinked as she rubbed her eyes and her tears stained cheeks and nodded, she value his life a lot, so she'd do anything, ANYTHING, for him.

But Vil, oh The great Vil Schöenheit, wouldn't agreed so easily, he pulled out the bottle of unknown substance and sprayed it caress her face as the last thing she sees is Vil's devilish grin.

Let's come back to Epel, who was now in a small cottage in the woods, he was still sleeping but in his head he hears voices.



Those voices bring back memories, of someone he knows, but now he's questioning, who's the owner of that voice? He tried to think, as a huge wave of memories watch over him.

Beautiful (H/C) hair..

Bright (E/C) eyes...

And that smile...

It seems familiar somehow?

He tried to think as he felt the cold on his face. He woke up instantly, to be face to face with a a blonde man in a hunter hat. He scooted backwards quickly as he looked at the door, just to see a lady in a black dress.

"W..-Who are you two.."

The man in front of him removed the bucket from his hands as he laughed.

"Bonjour! I'm Rook!Are you awake and well now?"

He asked as he smiled, too positive. Then a very melodic voice speaks.

"Hello, young one.. this merciful hunter brought me from the magical forest to heal your curse... and I'm Luciella, the witch of the forest.."

She said as she smiled a gentle smile, by when she pointed her hand towards Rook, all the words she's trying to say flowed into his head.

'The mighty king, Vil, took your lover, you may not know who she is for now. But you have to help her, you'll remember along the way... your way to the castle is out of the house, the portal is there. Farewell and hope our path meets again.'

He saw a (H/C) head with gorgeous (E/C) eyes, near the sea, bare feet in the sand. The wind flowing, the beautiful light illuminate her beautiful figure, as the vision cut short.

He reopened his eyes to see both of the witch and the huntsman, gone. So he decided to open the door of his house as he now, transport to the dungeon of the castle.

He frantically look around for any sign of the beauty he saw in his vision, but he couldn't find one, so he ascend to the other floor of the castle. His eyes traveled from room to room until he heard a sob from one of the chambers. The voice—

He'd want to hesitate but his body moved on its own, moving towards the chamber as he opened the door. He saw a figure sitting, weeping on the floor. But when he entered, she looked up, then he noticed the eyes, oh, those beautiful eyes. The female smiled with joy as she embraced each other. Epel couldn't remember her name but he said it by itself.


"I..-I miss you."

She answered in a small voice as she looked at the door,scared.

"W..-we shouldn't do this here. There's no time— Epel!"

She exclaimed as Epel stood there, still as a stone, as the witch and the huntsman's vision washed over him again.

'We've made the exit for you two...'

The witch said.

'The location is over the same dungeon! We'll wait for you in the forest!!'

As the huntsman answered with a cheerful voice as the vision ends. Epel took the female's hand as he dashed to the same dungeon he came. He opened the cell's door as he pushed her in, followed by himself.

(Y/N)'s pov (because I wanted to try..)

I opened my eyes to see a beautiful forest, filled with animals. I glanced at my lover beside me as he smiled, maybe his memories returned by now. He looked forward as he smiled, then I looked forward to see two figures. I smiled happily as the thoughts of living out in the nature without any Vil that will try to take her back. As they walked forward, to the future they'll hold without any burdens and worries......

A/N: the magical forest is protected by barrier and Rook is Vil's former huntsman And Luciella is Vil's former witch but they see his dark heart with jealousy and escaped him to the magical forest. Thanks for reading!!💜💜💜

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