Ch.2: The Thing You Love Most

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After she got ready and dressed for the day, she went downstairs and to the diner for something to eat. She went and sat on a bar stool, where she ordered a wine glass of Bourbon and a plate of a couple pancakes. After everything she'd been through, a shot glass of Bourbon wasn't going to do it. She needed a wine glass, instead. After she'd finished eating, but was still sipping her Bourbon, she got a surprise visit of a boy with a book.

She looked at him, when he sat next to her.

"Hi, I'm Henry," he introduced himself.

"I'm Katherine. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school or something? What's up with the book?"

To her, it looked suspicious that a boy would be carrying a book that size around with him.

"It's not just any book. It's magical. It has every fairytale in it. Everyone here is under a Dark curse. Now they don't remember who they are," he informed her.

"Well, I'm no stranger to magic so it's not too far fetched from the world I'm from," she admitted. She kind of believed him, but at the same time, it was a little hard to believe. She'd never seen a curse before, but she'd heard of people that have been cursed by witches before.

After going through the book with the boy, she completely believed him. Especially, when she saw that now that she was in town, her story was in the book too. That meant everything he believed was true.

She closed the book and he put it back in his backpack.

"It's nice meeting you, but what is my story doing in your book, though? I'm not a fairytale character," she asserted.

"You're supposed to bring back the happy endings. It's your destiny," he informed her.

She watched him leave for school and then she continued drinking her wine glass of Bourbon. Not long afterward, someone resembling a fairytale character she'd just seen in Henry's book came to sit next to her.

"We haven't met yet. I'm Regina. I'm the mayor of this town. I make it my business to know who everyone is in this town. So, who are you?"

Katherine wasn't fazed by her demeanor. She'd dealt with witches in the past and she'd once had a witch as a friend. Besides, she was descended from Travelers. She could take on a witch, evil or not. She drank some more of the Bourbon.

"Katherine Pierce. Before you ask why I'm here, which is what I'd ask if I were you, I don't know why I'm here exactly. I escaped what's called a prison world and suddenly found myself in the middle of the road, but if we're going to coexist in the same town, I suggest not to threaten me. I may be from a different world, but my world isn't too different from yours. You don't know what I've done in the past or what I'm capable of," she introduced and warned her, before Regina could say anything else.

"What has my son told you?" she inquired. "I know what he thinks me as."

"What? A monster? Evil? Believe me, I've been in your shoes and it's not a good feeling when everyone thinks you're evil or a monster. The only thing that can probably keep people from thinking you're who they think you are is by changing into a good person. Doing good things. Sometimes though, that doesn't work. It didn't work in my world for some people, but it sort of worked for one person. He wanted to forgive me for what I'd done, but someone can't forgive you for something overnight. It has to be earned. I learned that from Elijah. Don't give Henry a reason to think you're The Evil Queen and he'll see you as someone good eventually," she answered her.

Regina didn't have anything to say for once, so she just left to do her job as the mayor of the town.

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