Ch.41: The Evil Queen

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After Tamara and Greg had a talk with Hook, telling and showing him at the clock tower that Rumple was alive, Hook agreed to help Greg find his father whom was taken by Regina a long time ago.


It was a dismal night in the enchanted forest, as The Evil Queen and a few of her knights searched for Snow at a village that Snow had been hiding out in. She was gone though, which gave Regina the thought that maybe someone tipped her off. The villagers were even silent, as if they hadn't seen Snow in the village. They didn't even say anything when Regina offered them gold for telling her where Snow was at. So, when the search was unsuccessful and nobody was talking, she gave the order to kill them all.



It was a dismal night at the docks, as Snow and Charming talked about leaving to go back to their homeland.

"If we're going back to the enchanted forest, are we really going to leave Regina behind?" Snow asked him.

"She's too dangerous to bring with us. We have to leave her," Charming replied.

"Henry won't like it. She is his mother, despite all the horrors."

"Mary Margaret, those horrors will continue. You want to give her another chance? Because every time we do, she—," he began, but Snow cut him off.

"She slips. I know. What do we do?"

"Instead of a second chance, we give her a choice. Come back, live out her days in Rumple's cell, or stay here."

While they were talking on the bench, they didn't notice a fisherman on a boat nearby, although it wasn't one at all. The fisherman left the boat and turned into Regina whom had been eavesdropping on them.

"Jail cell? I don't think so," she said to herself, concealed by a boat so they wouldn't see her.

The next day, Henry was putting some stuff inside one of the bird houses outside, when Regina stopped on the other side of the white picket fence.

"Good morning, Henry," she greeted him.

He stopped and looked at her.

"Um, what are you doing here?"

She went around the picket fence into the yard.

"I've missed you. And I wanted to show you something." She took out a bag that had magical beans inside. "Katherine and Mary Margaret have been keeping this from you, darling. They've been growing magic beans in secret. They want to take you to the enchanted forest. Without me."

"Maybe we're all going, and they just haven't included you yet?"

"No. They won't let me help. They don't see the good in me. The good you've seen. They only see the evil queen, which they named me. I don't want to be that anymore. This is my chance to go back and start over. For me to be the hero. You'd like that, right?"

"I'd love that," he replied.

"There's a fail-safe created inside the curse," she informed him.

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